
Still Waters 6-4-2011

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Still Water  / Still Waters 6-4-2011

Still Waters 6-4-2011

We are paying attention to these because still waters are the only ones offering any variety right now.  But even still waters are not at their best.  We need higher water temperatures to get things really active, and it looks like the current warming trend is just what is needed.  We have not heard of any still waters being terrific to this point, but stay with those small leech and damselfly nymph patterns because soon things will soon break loose.   And concentrate on shallower waters whether at Chesterfield (avoid discolored inflow from Toponce Creek), Twenty-Four Mile (avoid discolored water from east side creek) or Daniels reservoirs—they are warmer. Of course midging will always work.
