
Yellowstone Park 7-15-10

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Yellowstone Park  / Yellowstone Park 7-15-10

Yellowstone Park 7-15-10

Except for the Firehole River, all streams are in best fishing shape.   Fall River Basin streams feature afternoon PMD and sally hatches and evening brown drakes.  Green drakes are  pretty much finished on these. The Lamar River has cleared and is a good choice with caddis, PMDs, golden stones, and sallys attracting fish.   The Gibbon River around Norris Jct. is a small stream but the browns, ‘bows, rainbows and a very few grayling are quite active there. Try PMD and sally life cycle patterns.  Speaking of small streams: Obsidian, Indian and Panther creeks are loaded with small but aggressive  brookies.    Do you have an entry level person or one that must stay away from challenging terrain?  Take very light weight equipment, PMD life cycle,  caddis, sally and attractor patterns (all in sizes 12-18), and try one of these easily approached streams.  You might experience some of the fastest fishing in the Park. On all these waters and others in the Park, be sure to have beetle and ant patterns.  Good hopper fishing is soon in the future.  And remember, for fast still water fishing in the Park, nothing beats Beula Lake.
