
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 157)

Still Waters 10-14-17


Daniels and Hawkins Reservoirs currently offer some of the best still water fishing in the area. Midge pupa patterns presented at the taking depth and under an indicator and small leech patterns seem to be the best choices for action. With our current windy conditions fishing the edge of mud lines formed by wave action at Daniels will be productive when woolly bugger types are offered.  Next week IDF&G has scheduled Springfield Reservoir to be stocked with 1000  16″ rainbow trout.  Give these fish a number of days to get accustomed, and they will provide fast fishing but make it a bit tougher to encounter larger hold-over rainbows.


Henry’s Fork 10-14-17


BWOs and mahogany dun continue to provide good dry fly fishing up and down the river. Streamer fishing is best in Box Canyon, ” The Tubs” , and the entire lower river.  Considering the recent storm moving through the region, contact the Ashton District Office: 208-652-7442 to  determine if unpaved roads such as into the Hatchery Ford, Lower Coffee Pot and Tubs area (Below Big Springs and Henry’s Lake Outlet confluence) are open.


Yellowstone Park 10-14-17

Lewis R. channel.jpg

If you are looking at a trip to the interior of the park, it might be best to check its web site to see if roads to your planned location are open considering the storm that just passed through the area. Same recommendation with respect to trails to back country waters.  Right now would be a great time for a trip into Lewis River Channel to experience some of the best brown trout fishing anywhere in the region.  Presenting streamers is the name of the game. The only caveat is are trails to the river passable. Crowds certainly will be down considering the weather, so fish would be less disturbed.


Small Streams 10-14-17


robinson creek3

Last night’s storm will make it difficult to reach some back country waters in the region until soon-to-come warmer weather melts the resulting snow accumulation. Then muddy conditions could prevail for a while on unpaved roads.  Some of the unpaved back country roads giving access to best small waters are used frequently this time of year by ranchers and farmers, so can be maintained because of demand.  For the next few days check with county road maintenance offices to determine driving conditions before attempting to reach waters “off the beaten path.”  Doing so might be a good idea for such as fishing visits planned for upper Warm River, Bitch and Robinson Creeks in Fremont County, Blackfoot River in Bingham and Caribou Counties, and Bear, Big Elk,  and McCoy Creeks in Bonneville County.


South Fork 10-14-17




Last night’s storm dumped 5-6 inches of wet, heavy snow in the Idaho Falls and surrounding area. This certainly will not hurt fishing, but getting there in some places could be a problem for two-wheel drive vehicles. Roads such as the South Fork road above Heise and the river road above the Swan Valley Bridge will lose snow cover quickly as sunshine and warmer temperatures return later today, but these roads could be muddy in places.  Boat launch locations should be OK to use. Flow out of Palisades Dam was reduced to about 3700 cfs last Monday (10/9) making the river even more attractive for walk-in wading, especially now when BWO and mahogany dun activity centered around riffles has been so good. Streamer fishing is picking up all along the river, and visits are slowing down. All this makes the present a good time for a visit as long as roads are passable.  We at the shop watch South Fork fishing conditions closely. Thus we can help you select a location for a visit as well as suggest a fishing strategy at any time.


Henry’s Fork 10-10-17

Bear Gulch

What we offered in the South Fork report apples to most of the Henry’s Fork as well. BWO and mahogany dun activities are resulting in great dry fly fishing just about everywhere along the river.  Flows are at or near historic normals everywhere above Chester. Below Chester  down to St. Anthony flows are slightly higher than normal because of higher than normal Fall River flows as has been the case all season.  Streamer fishing brings the best responses from large trout in Box Canyon and The Tubs, but is effective on most of the lower river.


South Fork 10-10-17

Just above Heise Br. (640x480)

Flow out of Palisades Dam was dropped 500 cfs to about 3600 cfs yesterday. Flow at Heise is about 800 cfs higher, but considerably lower (about 2100 cfs) at Lorenzo because of water being diverted into the Dry Bed and other canals. If you prefer dry fly fishing, prospecting riffles for BWOs and mahogany duns brings the best results.  Use life cycle patterns.  If you prefer to present wet flies, streamer patterns will bring most interest from larger fish. With a week of variable weather coming up there will be plenty of time for success either way.


Yellowstone Park 10-7-17

Lewis R. channel.jpg

If you are looking for some of the best streamer fishing available for brown trout this time of year, locations on the Lewis River provide some of the most outstanding in this area. The river between Shoshone and Lewis Lakes offers the best in the park if not the Greater Yellowstone region, at least with respect to numbers of fish.  The trick is to arrive there as early in the day as possible making an overnight stay at the Shoshone Lake outlet campground the best way to do so.  Requiring a 4.5 mile walk as well as having appropriate gear is not suitable for some fly-fishers, but there are easier to approach locations on the river that can offer good fishing, but again the key is to arrive early in the day.  Lewis Lake outlet and the lake itself just above the outlet are good alternative locations requiring only a short walk.  There are fewer fish in the river flowing through the roadside meadow below Lewis Falls, but they run larger than in other locations. In all these locations unsettled or stormy weather typically results in the best fishing.  But because elevation is close to 8000 feet, there is an increased chance for winter driving conditions during this weather. So having a vehicle appropriately equipped is advisable.


Henry’s Fork 10-7-17


Observing the number of fly-fishers in the Last Chance area is a clue that BWO and mahogany dun activity is producing good fishing. With a week of uncertain weather coming up, the river here and in Harriman State Park below will be great locations for dry fly fishing. Do not overlook presenting soft hackle patterns to rising fish in these waters (dead drift down to rising fish, then rise to just below surface with rod tip action).  Size (16-18 for BWO, 12-14 for mahoganies) is more important than color (olive for BWO, rusty brown for mahoganies).   A turn and a half of grouse hackle completes these appropriate patterns.


Henry’s Fork 9-30-17

From below Ashton Dam

Everything describing current fishing success on today’s South Fork fishing report applies to the lower Henry’s Fork from Warm River on downstream and around Last Chance (dry fly fishing at Last Chance). Add to this improved streamer fishing in Box Canyon and “The Tubs” above Mack’s Inn (where Henry’s Lake and Big Springs Outlets combine) and you have the best of current fishing in the river.

