
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 215)

Big Lost River 9-18-12

Flow out of Mackay Dam is about 100 cfs higher than normal, but this keeps fish from concentrating into deepest holes.  Wading conditions remain good, and tricos emerge for early in the day fishing.  Evening caddis activity also brings fish up.


Still Water 9-18-12

Fishing around Grizzly Springs and other spring holes seems to be holding up fairly well on Island Park Reservoir.  Water levels in the reservoir are low, so use caution when boating to these locations. When you get there, try blood worm patterns, and experiment to find the taking depth.  With cooling weather here, look for action to pick up on Sand Creek Ponds. Evening should be best when caddis emerge. Soft hackled patterns fished near the surface should be effective, but don’t over look hopper patterns presented along vegetated shorelines.


South Fork 9-18-12

Some cloudy weather sure would help increase the BWO emergence. It looks like the beginning of next week may bring some. The river has stabilized with respect to flow changes. The last drop was back on September 14th, and responses from fish are back to normal.  However, the reservoir is less than twenty per cent of capacity, and storage for next year’s irrigation season must begin.  So more decreases in flow out of Palisades Dam must be expected in the coming weeks.  As we learn of these flow changes, we will post them here and advise how such should impact your South Fork fishing strategy.


Henry’s Fork 9-18-12

Mayfly emergence events on the upper river are diminishing quickly with colder weather setting in.  Soon that of  BWOs will be the only one available.  Almost on key flying ants are coming on to provide action from trout which seem to crave them.  So add ant patterns to your terrestrial pattern roster when you venture to the Last Chance , the Harriman State Park reach, and the river around Hatchery Ford.


Yellowstone Park 9-18-12

Some storms were in the area this last weekend, and we got some reports of good responses to Firehole BWOs during overcast conditions. Other than that, terrestrial patterns most likely are your best bet during daytime. With a bright atmosphere one must be stealthy, so long floats especially to the opposite bank, fly first would be the best strategy on such crystal clear waters as Slough Creek,  Soda Butte Creek,  Bechler River, Fall River, and Boundary Creek.  Other choices for good fishing would be the morning trico mating-spinner fall activity on many of the Park waters or  early or late in the day streamer fishing in waters where brown trout are stocking up and beginning spawning migrations.


Main Stem Snake River 9-15-12

Only a few reports on good fishing here to date, but they are sure to come as lowering flows make the river more accessible.   For now, where wading is safe,  try presenting streamer patterns when first light reaches the river or beginning about sunset.  Caddis are also active during evenings, and if we ever have overcast or storms again, look for BWOs to emerge and fish to respond.


Yellowstone Park 9-15-12

Air temperatures drop into the teens during night time now. That’s the reason for fishing picking up on the Firehole River.  That drop in temperature also helps convince browns and ‘bows to leave Hebgen lake to spawn. So the gulpers are gone for the year there, and the bigger ones now are more interested in heading up the Madison, the South Fork of the Madison, Cougar, Duck, and Grayling creeks.  That means you need streamer pattens for the best chance to meet them.


Still Waters 9-15-12

Sand Creek Ponds are offering some good fishing with waters beginning to cool off. Wind is a frequent visitor to these ponds, so consider presenting grasshopper patterns around shorelines there. The Grizzly springs area of Island Park Reservoir is still producing good fishing for those presenting blood worm patterns, and some big ‘bows can still be found where the river enters the reservoir.  Streamers would be the best bet for success there.


Henry’s Lake 9-15-12

We have heard of no big change from the creek mouths and spring holes being the places to fish on the lake.  These  locations still attract a lot of interest because so many other regional still waters  have been drawn down to the point where they offer marginal fishing.  Thus many “displaced still water  anglers” are heading to Henry’s Lake to enjoy some good fishing.  That means expect company at these favored locations
