
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 225)

Still Waters 7-21-12

Draw down is warming water in our irrigation reservoirs.  With temperatures near the surface as high as the low seventies in degrees F. one must fish deep for any action.  Be ready to put those small midge pupa patterns deep below your indicator.


Small Streams 7-21-12

On all of these terrestrial patterns are working very well. Other than  midge and evening caddis swarms, these are the most numerous insects available to trout.  Late morning and late afternoon to evening hours are best times to be on most of these.


Henry’s Fork 7-21-12

Time to consider terrestrial patterns for best chances of success on the upper river.  Flavs are well past their peak, and PMDs are smaller and less numerous.   Evenings and late afternoons continue to bring activity because of caddis swarms and mornings bring activity from spinner falls.  If you enjoy evening action from caddis swarms but want a bit more solitude, try the lower Coffeepot reach.   Flow out of Henry’s Lake remains at 100 cfs, so fishing on the river in the Flat Ranch Preserve will hold up until flows drop when water storage begins on the lake.  Look for evening caddis swarms, and PMDs emerging during late morning.  But again, expect to have best success  through presenting terrestrial patterns.


South Fork 7-21-12

No significant change since the July 19th report. We have heard that golden stoneflies are emerging along the upper river and therefore providing good fishing for anglers slamming the banks with chernobyl types of choice.


South Fork 7-18

Fishing has been good on the South Fork. All sections seem to be fishing well. The Salmon Fly hatch has now moved through the entire river and fish can still be caught on Salmon Fly patterns from the Dam down through the canyon. Golden stones have been effective when fished tight against the bank.  The CFO Flamer Ant, Simulators and chubby Chernobyls have been working well for patterns.  Bead head nymph as droppers will pick up those fish weary to rise to dry fly. Run the dropper 18 inches to 3 feet below the dry. No consistency on PMD hatches, but we should start seeing those hatches any day now. Keep checking back as we try to keep this report updated.


Henry’s Lake 7-17-12

Creek mouths with cooler water provide the best fishing now. Trouble is there are almost as many anglers there as fish. We have a report of a four pound brookie being caught and released  at the mouth of Targhee Creek. Taking fly was a caddis pupa pattern, and we hear that caddis are quite active with fish responding to them around the lake.


Still Waters 7-17-12

Draw down is impacting fishing on all irrigation reservoirs to the south.  We have reports of good fishing on the west end of Island Park Reservoir where blood worm patterns under and indicator are working in many locations.   Find the taking depth, and it looks like you will get your chances.
