
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 46)

Henry’s Lake, July 18th, 2023

It’s been a relatively slow fishing season on the lake, so far. Here is a way that can improved results. Try fishing at creek or spring inlets. This is where cooler water enters the lake as well as bringing in sub-surface and surface food forms. The trick is to get to these locations as early in the day as possible, even at first light. East side inlets such as Targhee and Howard Creeks are good locations, and there are a number of such creeks an spring inflows on the west side. Floating lines apply as well as patterns suspended under strike indicators. Nothing beats Bill Schiess’s book ” Fishing Henry’s Lake” to find appropriate fly patterns for this or any other strategy for fishing the lake.


Henry’s Fork, July 18th, 2023

With the warming weather and bright skies up and down the river, it is time for terrestrial insects to become an important food form for trout.. That means long, drag free drifts in front of well vegetated banks and dry structure such as snags, rocks and logs. Have hopper, ant, beetle, and even crane fly patterns on hand.

A productive trick follows: I swat any horsefly that lands on my self, then toss the splatted results into the water to drift downstream. On hearing or seeing a trout rise to take it, I have located another fish to try. Do the same with hoppers or any other resident terrestrial insect to locate a feeding fish. You might be accused by your fishing partners of low grade chumming, but the act is legal and informative!

Henry’s Fork at Bear Gulch

Water quality information from Dr. Rob Van Kirk’s Henry’s Fork drainage water status report filed yesterday.

The big (positive) story continues to be how well water quality is holding up so far this summer, despite high outflow from Island Park Reservoir and warm weather. Water temperatures have stayed near average and well below last year’s readings at most locations. Daily maximum water temperatures exceeded 70 degrees yesterday at Buffalo River, Pinehaven, at St. Anthony and Parker. However, both duration and magnitude of high water temperatures are lower than at this time last year. For example, water temperature exceeded 70 degrees at Pinehaven yesterday for a little under 6 hours yesterday, compared with 7.5 hours on July 16 2022. Maximum water temperature yesterday was 71.8 degrees F at our sonde, compared with 72.9 degrees last July 16.

Turbidity is well below average at all locations except Flat Rock, where relatively high outflow from Henry’s Lake has kept turbidity a fraction of a turbidity unit above average.

Timing of aquatic insect hatches is still 5–6 days later than average in the river reach between Island Park Dam and Pinehaven, 8 days later in the Warm River to Ashton reach, and 4 days later than average between Ashton Dam and St. Anthony. At this point, I do not expect much change with respect to average.

Rob Van Kirk, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist

Henry’s Fork Foundation

P.O. Box 550

Ashton, ID 83420

208-881-3407 CELL


Small Streams, July 15th, 2023

Want to have some real fun and satisfaction in helping someone learn how to fish? Take a kid fishing. Especially if a youngster asks to go, there are many safe waters hosting aggressive trout. First, it is a good idea to preface a visit with some time of instruction on how to prepare and use a fly rod. So for now, let’s discuss a first time visit, with more details later. Action is the big enjoyment for youngsters, and it is sure to keep their attention. So in a first time visit one could begin by hooking a fish, then letting them play, retrieve, and then land it. Point out to the young one where the fish occupy the water visited and be sure to show an approach that minimizes startling.

Big water can be intimidating and overwhelming to a youngster. So a best first time visit would be to a small, easily approached stream or still water holding readily aggressive fish. These waters are usually physically safer and have all necessary features within easy sight. It’s a bit like comparing a laboratory situation to a production size situation. So what are some good locations to consider? For this purpose, It is hard to find any better than the Birch Creek Family area a few miles above Lone Pine on State Highway 28. The creek here is a meadow signed stream with abundant open areas. It holds a great population of brook and rainbow trout that are always hungry. Middle of the day is the best time for a visit, and it leaves time to end that a visit with time for an ice cream treat or something like it. We will offer more information later, but the above discussion is “just to get the ball rolling.”

We at Fly Fish Food have all appropriate equipment for the interested youngster, and we are more than willing to assemble such and begin the process of how to use such. We also welcome visits to scope out equipment and to obtain more information.


Southwest Montana, July 15th, 2023

Elk Lake

The big news here is the advance of big stone flies up the Madison River. But for the still water fly fisher there are a couple of lakes offering some good fishing. These are Elk and Hidden Lakes just north of Centennial Valley.

Elk Lake is the easiest to approach ( From Red Rock Pass travel the road to where the South Valley and Elk Lake Roads diverge). Follow Elk Lake Road to the lower part of the the lake where a public boat launch and the Elk Lake resort are situated. Damsel fly and speckled dun activity will provide good top water action along shorelines holding submerged vegetation. West Slope cutthroat inhabit these areas. Fish deep water with a full sink line and stout leader to offer streamers to lake trout ranging up to twenty pounds.

Hidden Lake is tougher to approach. A four wheel drive road leaves the resort and ends about a quarter mile from the lake. Packing a flotation device to the lake is practical, but the best way o fish is to rent a boat from the resort. For a rental fee the resort provides oars and a key to unlock a boat at their livery on the lake. Damsel flies and speckled duns can provide top water action from resident rainbow trout ranging well into to trophy sizes. If these events are not ongoing, slow trolling of leech, nymph, and streamer patterns on intermediate lines ill attract the rainbows.

You will not encounter recreational floaters on either lake, and a forgotten camera would be almost tragic.


Henry’s Fork, July 15th, 2023


The river below Ashton Dam is beginning to warm to the point that best fishing is early or late in the day. Big stonefly activity and the same for drake mayflies is about over. Afternoon caddis action remains , and PMD and flav spinner falls at these times of day will bring some top water action. Streamers can also be effective when direct sun light is off the water. Big bows and browns come out to forage at these times because of increased overhead cover.

After the July 10th increase in flow out of Island Park Dam, conditions have stabilized in the river below. Brown drake, flav, little PMD, and afternoon caddis activity still provide top water fishing with AM spinner falls and evening action. Expect recreational floaters to increase during day time hours.


Still Waters, July 15th, 2023

Sand Creek Pond #4

For most of our irrigation reservoirs the summer doldrums have arrived with dropping and warming water levels due to irrigation demands. This means fish will remain deep in order to have the coolest water. So fishing early in the day or going to the depths will bring best chances for action. Expect these conditions throughout the irrigation season, then as we cool by late summer and irrigation slows, these water bodies will offer much better fishing. We have heard, however, that Mackay Reservoir is providing some good fishing away from the inflow of discolored water.

If you are a still water enthusiast, the Sand Creek Ponds open today for non internal combustion engine aided float fishing. Expect crowds of floaters for a while at this easily reached and popular area. If you try these ponds, with Pond # 4 being the best, look for damsel fly, speckled dun and midge activity. So bring their life cycle patterns and use floating lines, strike indicators and long leaders to present these. Early AMs an evenings will be the best times for activity.

Still want to learn of some still waters not impacted by the summer doldrums? Take a look at our southwest Montana discussion.


South Fork, July 15th, 2023

Flow out of Palisades Reservoir has been essentially constant for about a week. It is clear and cool enough to slow mayfly activity, but not that of caddis.The big top water happening is the giant stone fly hatch. Some green drakes and PMDs are following downstream. The stonefly peak activity is above the canyon and fish near it are full of them. If you travel from Swan Valley to Victor via Highway 31, you will not only see them flying, but also have them splatting on your windshield at least as far as the Pine Creek crossing. So the best float fishing strategy would be to launch at Huskey’s and float to Spring Creek or Conant ( both very busy) in order to find where the fish have realized their presence and started feeding.


Small Streams, July 11th, 2023

Almost all of our small steams are rounding into good fly fishing shape. The Teton River is one that is approaching such conditions, so it is worth looking at it a bit because it will become very popular quickly. The river in Teton Valley is its most popular stretch where wading and boating will increase very soon. So will recreational boating, so on stream diplomacy will be required as well as making early AMs and evenings best times for tranquil fishing . Several launch facilities are present and will have much use when recreational boating begins. Early season aquatic insect hatches include sallies, PMDs and caddis. Not to be totally overlooked, large stone flies blown in from the canyon reach below means long drifted patterns of each can be effective. When hatches begin in earnest drifting, then lifting soft hackled patterns also become effective.


Yellowstone Park, July 11th, 2023

Mountain Ash Creek; the least visited of Fall River Basin Streams

Fall River Basin in the southwest corner of the park currently offers the best fly fishing in our area. In saying that, we are looking at the big picture where tranquility, great scenery, and superb fishing reign supreme. The major streams here include Bechler and Fall Rivers and Boundary, Mountain Ash and Proposition Creeks. The still waters are Beula and Hering Lakes. For this report, let’s look at the streams. We will look at the lakes in the next report.

Each of these streams is not influenced significantly by man-made development, except for a minor inflow from Grassy Lake Reservoir to Fall River. Currently each is at natural flow; clear, cool and hosting a great population of cutthroat and cutt-bow hybrid trout. No whitefish or suckers are present! Float fishing is prohibited: wading only! There are no introduced brookies in Bechler River and Boundary Creeks where the other streams host them.

Currently top water is approaching its best (until terrestrial insects form in huge populations). The hatches going on now include diminishing sallies, numerous PMDs, caddis, and an excellent evening brown drake hatch. In good water years, like this year, there is a good green drake hatch that begins each day in mid-July during afternoons when water temperatures get into the low 50s in Deg. F. Six weight rods, floating lines and long leaders are best. So is stealth, so minimize bank side appearances.

If there are any disadvantages to visiting these streams. it is at least the three mile walk through bear country and the need for DEET to ward off insect pests. For the Bechler River-Boundary Creek side Bechler Ranger Station is the jump-off point. The station is fully staffed 24/7, sells park licenses, has horse party facilities, and solid information about trail conditions. For the Fall River side, access is from the Ashton-Flagg Road. Primitive, but passable roads give closer access to the other streams. We, at the shop can identify these for you and we can provide further information for all waters.

We will keep up and report on fishing conditions in Fall River Basin throughout the season simple because it is such a special place in this area.


South Fork, July 11th, 2023

Flow has been up & down slightly and around 13200 cfs at Irwin (13900 cfs at Heise, about 6000 cfs at Lorenzo), and Palisades Reservoir is essentially full.The giant stone fly hatch is in the canyon, and is being attended by boating anglers. So boat launch facilities from Conant Valley to Byington are getting use. Above, the river remains a bit cool, so top water fishing is yet to peak. Try rubber legs, annelid and stone fly nymph patterns and fly rod jigs. There is certainly less boat traffic from the dam down to the Spring Creek site than on the river below.
