
Henry’s Lake

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Lake (Page 24)

Henry’s Lake 10-04-2011

Fishing remains great and this colder weather will only improve it.  Look for more fish moving into shallow water such as around the north shore and the southwest corner.   Also with more hunting opportunities and the oncoming steelhead season crowds will diminish.


Henrys Lake 9-19-2011

This is the fishing hot spot in the entire region, but there are specifics for enjoying it.  First, go to the creek mouths.  Targhee, Howard and Duck creeks are the best locations. Get there REAL early to “stake your claim”, especially on week ends.   REAL early means sunrise!  “Stake your claim” in shallow water because most fish are at three to five feet in depth.    Fish your favorite nymph or soft hackle pattern under an indicator at this  depth.  Floating lines are best for this method.  Expect lots’a company ( there were at least twenty boats in front of Howard Creek at mid morning last Saturday).   So allow room for fellow anglers and be patient and polite.   Weed beds are still numerous in the lake and water temps hover in the mid fifties in degrees F.   Thus it will take some real cooling off before weeds break up.


Henry’s Lake 9-13-2011

Fishing in front of creek mouths is as good as it gets.  This attracts crowds, but it appears everyone is catching fish, mostly brook trout.  Use intermediate lines and even floating lines for the shallowest water. The flies we suggested in the last (9/8) report are working.   Also look for a few fish taking speckled dun and caddis emergers just about any time.


Henry’s Lake 9-08-2011

Creek mouths(Duck, Howard, Targhee) are the places to be on the lake.   Your favorite leech pattern, Henry’s Lake renegade, mity mites, they all seem to work when presented on an intermediate line.   Evenings and mornings are best time to be there.   Expect company!


Henry’s Lake 9-1-2011

Although reports speak of action slowing a bit, creek mouths are the best places to give it a try.  Targhee and Duck creeks are the best locations, but don’t overlook in front of  Howard Creek.   Use patterns we have recommended in recent reports.  When we begin cooling off for sure and with less daylight later this month, look for action to pick up all around the lake.


Henry’s Lake 8-19-2011

Fishing is holding up very well for this time of year.  Again, best locations are in front of Targhee, Duck and Howard creeks.  Use intermediate or floating lines with mity mites, beadhead peacock leeches, peacock A. Hs., crystal leeches and your favorite damselfly nymph patterns. Expect crowds if you get into fish.


Henry’s Lake 8-8-2011

Creek mouths are the place to fish around the lake.  Get to the one of your choice early to “stake your claim”.  Use the flies we recommended in the last report.  Intermediate or floating lines will be best for the relatively shallow waters.


Henry’s Lake 8-05-2011

Creek mouths remain the best locations for action.   Targhee and duck creeks remain the best of these, but try in front of Howard Creek. These creeks bring not only food but cooler water having higher dissolved oxygen into the lake.  Trout seek both of these, so almost any creek with significant flow has potential to be a place for action.  If you are being successful in fishing, however, expect company arriving soon.


Henry’s Lake 8-01-2011

In front of  Targhee and Duck creeks offers the best fishing right now.  Get there early to “stake your claim”.  When crowds come, and they likely will,  try in front of such as Howard Creek.  Mity mites, small California leeches, bead head peacock leeches, damselfly nymph patterns are among the best choices.
