
Small Streams

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Small Streams (Page 27)

Small Streams 8-4-12

Some of these are beginning to drop below normal flows because of our warm, dry weather.  Others are “lucky.”  Palisades Creek, for example, has two lakes, Upper and Lower, in its drainage. The upper lake has an almost total subsurface outflow, and the lower lake has a good subsurface component to its outflow.   These just about guarantee that water levels will remain good through the season.  So Palisades Creek is less impacted by the warm, dry weather than most other area streams.  Consider visiting this great small stream. Yellowstone cutts dominate with a few cut-bow hybrids present below the lower lake.  Right now terrestrial, caddis life cycle, and traditional attractor patterns will bring success.  Flavs should soon become important to foraging fish.   Best fishing will be during the afternoon hours, and an excellent trail parallels most of the creek.


Small Streams 7-31-12

The current hot dry weather will impact these waters especially those with little overhead cover.  Some your best fishing will be around good dense overhead cover such as willows on smaller streams such as Bear, Big Elk, Birch, Beaver, Palisades and with an overhead canopy of trees with or without willows or brush like Bitch, Robinson and Tincup creeks and Warm River.  On such as the Teton River in the basin and the  upper Blackfoot River with only occasional overhead cover fish early and late in the day.


Small Streams 7-28-12

Those with good overhead cover are at their fishing best right now.  Almost every one will have an evening caddis swarm, and you can bet that during daytime terrestrial patterns will be effective on all of them.  A few, like Beaver, Birch and Medicine Lodge creeks will have tricos for some good morning fishing . And best of all most will not be crowded. Come in to chat with us about choosing a small stream that is sure to offer you a great time.


Small Streams 7-24-12

Hoppers are becoming a significant food item for trout in most streams now.   Be sure to have patterns for them wherever you fish.   On higher gradient small streams remember that traditional attractor patterns are as effective as ever and that some are meant to imitate terrestrial insects.


Small Streams 7-21-12

On all of these terrestrial patterns are working very well. Other than  midge and evening caddis swarms, these are the most numerous insects available to trout.  Late morning and late afternoon to evening hours are best times to be on most of these.


Small Streams 7-17-12

The recent thundershowers are just what is needed to extend good fishing on many of these streams.   These will be fairly common through summer, and unless a deluge hits directly the cooling effect of a shower on water and rise in relative humidity of the atmosphere above the water are the reasons why right after a shower is a good time to fish. Insects will be more active because the humidity keeps them from drying, overcast sustains it,  and with lowered air temperatures they are more able to complete their life cycle.  The intensified activity attracts fish to feed.  So hang around to see if hatches occur when you see a storm leaving and water levels and clarity seem not greatly impacted.


Small Streams 7-14-12

Some of the smallest are beginning to warm up as flows get down to base level. Lower Fall River is an example because of irrigation draw down. If you see kids swimming in the river just below the Highway 20 bridge, that is a clue for water warm enough to be uncomfortable for trout.  Other small streams are doing quite well.  We have reports of fish responding very well to PMDs hatching from the Teton River in the Basin and fish responding very well to afternoon caddis flights in Robinson Creek.


Small Streams 7-10-12

Here is some good news about a small stream that has recently been in the fishing doldrums.  IDF&G is enhancing the native cutthroat trout population on Willow Creek east of Idaho Falls.  Folks fishing the lower creek report some near trophy size fish and some very good action. Most of the action has been through presenting bead head nymphs, but with terrestrial insects growing, forage minnows present, and a good caddisfly population,  a lot of fishing options are at hand here.  There are several access places to public land on the creek above Ririe Reservoir and in Bonneville County.   Visit us for more information on “where, how and when” to fish this stream.


Small Streams 7-7-12

Stick with “where to go” info we gave in the July 3rd report. All these streams remain good choices, but with warming weather, some will fade from the good fishing scene in a few weeks.  We’ll keep tabs on these for making recommendations to you.


Small Streams 7-3-12

Tim passed on some good info on Teton River and the South Fork tribs yesterday. Take his comment about warming water seriously, because many small streams will be impacted during what looks like a very warm dry summer.  Now is a good time to look at the numerous smaller streams we have in the area and to consider a visit to some.  Here is a “laundry list” of some to consider. Robinson Creek, Conant Creek, all Salt River tribs in Idaho, Bear Creek,  Beaver Creek, Little Lost River and Sawmill Creek, Medicine Lodge Creek, Portneuf River, Buffalo River, Willow Creek, and Warm River are at their peaks for good fishing right now.  The Blackfoot River above the reservoir opened to fishing two days ago, and you should consider a visit to it quite soon. The best is yet to come on the lower Blackfoot River, Big Elk Creek and Bitch Creek.   That’s is quite a list of waters to give details on here.  Contact us one way or another for details on fishing these.  We offer solid information on all.  Several will surprise you with size of fish, and for sure you will like the solitude.
