
South Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / South Fork

South Fork Fishing Report, January 4th, 2025

South Fork Rainbow Trout Suppression Study Update

To achieve suppression goals IDFG used boat electrofishing to capture and remove Rainbow Trout

( RBT ) from the South Fork Snake River (SFSR) in 2021 through 2023. Boat electrofishing occurred while RBT were spawning in the mainstem SFSR from early-April through May. In 2024, unlike previous years, the program relied entirely on angler harvest. The change in suppression methodology occurred in response to comments by the outfitting and guiding community regarding the use of electrofishing to remove RBT. Idaho Department of Fish and Game was responsive to comments and agreed to withhold electrofishing efforts if our suppression targets could be met through harvest alone.

In the autumn of 2023, IDFG estimated 701 RBT/mi. (± 176) in the Conant monitoring reach and a total of 13,319 RBT from Palisades Dam downstream to Dry Canyon. To meet our goal of annually removing 30% of RBT present in the upper portion of the SFSR (i.e., where RBT are most prevalent) our suppression target was 3,996 RBT for 2024. In 2024, anglers have submitted 4,007 RBT to the program, surpassing our suppression target by 11 fish. The general public has harvested 816 RBT and guides and outfitters have harvested 3,191 RBT (South Fork Lodge: 2,967; The Lodge at Palisades Creek: 224.


South Fork, November 23rd, 2024

The South Fork Road from the Table Rock Road junction upstream will close to all motorized vehicles on December 15th. This action by Caribou-Targhee National Forest is to avoid disturbance to elk, deer and moose that winter in the area. 

There has been some concern about water being diverted by the Idaho Department of Water Resources into the Eagle Rock Canal near Ririe for aquifer recharge purposes. Whether or not this action would dewater the river below is the basis for this concern. The recharge activity has ended and was relatively minor. No other recharge events are scheduled during the upcoming winter when survival conditions are most difficult for hosted salmonids.

Flies to fish:


South Fork, October 26th, 2024

Flow out of Palisades Dam will drop to winter level soon. Right now gages show about 1890 cfs at Irwin, 2600 cfs at Heise and 1000 cfs at Lorenzo. These can make hazardous levels for boating and such will be the case through the winter. Trout will concentrate in deeper water and have their toughest survival times  until run-off season. Diminishing BWO activity is going on throughout the river making midge activity providing more of top water action. So begins the season for favoring such as streamer, rubber leg and jig patterns for interesting action. Consider harvesting trout and whitefish trapped in canals that are shut off from the river.

Flies to fish:


South Fork, October 20th, 2024

Flow out of Palisades Reservoir was dropped to around 4000 cfs yesterday ( about 4700 cfs at Heise, 250 cfs at Lorenzo) and is sure to go lower as normal flow at Irwin for this time of the year is about 3000 cfs. These low flows concentrate fish into deeper holes and runs and make presenting wet patterns of all sizes (midge pupa patterns up to large streamer, rubber leg, and wooly bugger types) more productive and make walk-in-wade locations numerous to the “nth degree.” 

For hard sided boats especially, this low flow creates hazards not seen earlier in the season.  Sub-surface structure is much closer to the surface and thus can cause damage that can range up to catastrophic. Channels that were once well connected to the main stem can now be cut off making for back tracking to the extreme which can ruin a good day on the water.

Nevertheless, the river still offers good fishing and more tranquility compared to the more hectic days of summer. Afternoon hours can be comfortable and contain good activity from foraging fish. BWOs remain active during these hours; all that is needed is to find them (places with minimal sunlight).  Wet fly fishing can be successful regardless of the weather.

Flies to try:


South Fork, October 12th, 2024

If you want to enjoy pleasant fishing weather, you had better try the river soon. Flow of clear cold  water has been constant for several days.  Unsettled weather is scheduled to arrive by middle of the coming week.  This change will enhance the density of BWO activity during lesser windy weather as well as promote streamer presentation because of better overhead cover that promotes increased aggressive brown trout action.  Walk-in-wade locations are numerous.  Once again, we at Fly Fish Food Jimmy’s can help you choose which locations to visit at any given time.

Flies to fish:


South Fork, October 5th, 2024

Flow at Irwin is about 5220 cfs ( about the same at Heise and 2500 cfs at Lorenzo). These are all considerably above normal for this time of he season ( about 4200 cfs at Irwin) . So look for flow to drop further soon. . Top water fishing will begin to diminish soon to BWO and midge activity while streamer fishing will become most effective a brown tout become more aggressive. There are plenty of walk-in-wade locations along the river. Stop in to our shop, and we can suggest some of those where activity is ongoing. Best times for a visit to fish the river is trending towards afternoons and evenings.


South Fork, September 28th, 2024

Near Spring Creek Launch Site

Flow in the South Fork is exactly where it should be for this time of the year ( about 5500 cfs at Irwin, 5600 cfs at Heise and 2400 cfs at Lorenzo). From the Willow Creek confluence on downstream to American Falls Reservoir aquifer recharge has been significant enough to provide adequate water, thanks to very abundant snowfall the previous winter, for downstream irrigation. Thus water storage is on going in Palisades Reservoir which is now about 50% full. So walk- in- wade opportunities are numerous. The current warm, sunny days and fall colors make for great outings, but we need some unsettled weather to improve BWO activity and to extend streamer fishing into more daytime hours.


South Fork, September 21st, 2024

September Colors

Flow out of Palisades Dam has been dropping in the form of a negative mode step function (6000 cfs at Irwin, 6100 cfs at Heise and 3300 cfs at Lorenzo). That’s because water managers are now thinking time to build reservoir storage. The result of these actions for fly fishers is the best time of the year to fly fish the South Fork. The autumn may fly emergence peak is ongoing and, to date no killing frost yet to reduce terrestrial insect populations, all making for great top water fishing. There is a superb walk-in-wade selection and brown trout becoming more aggressive towards streamer patterns presented in low light conditions. Fall colors are on the rise and visiting anglers are greatly reduced. We at Fly Fish Foods Jimmy’s keep track of where to try, when and what to use and water conditions on this great river. We are certainly willing to share this information with you!
