
South Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / South Fork (Page 20)

South Fork, June 12, 2021

South Fork, June 12, 2021

Still a good escape from the crowded Henry’s fork. Flow throughout is at historic mean.Dam to Byington seems to offer best fishing.For nymph fishing, move away from banks, stick to drop offs, transitions and slow water. Hang your favorite bead head nymph off such as a Chernobyl type. Try Super-X, rubber leg patterns and streamers.


South Fork, May 24th, 2021

Flow throughout the river remains constant and is a bit below normal for the date.  Some BWOs are active in riffles, so have some of their life cycle patterns handy. Other flies that are producing include rubber legs, San Juan worms. and streamers. The South Fork remains a more tranquil and lightly visited alternative to the Henry’s Fork with its crowded boat launch sites and numerous fly fishers chasing the giant and golden stone fly hatches.


South Fork, May 22nd, 2021

With the stone fly madness progressing on the Henry’s Fork, the South Fork offers  a much more tranquil and less crowded fishing alternative. All boat launch sites are open, and there are an almost unlimited number of walk-in wade locations.  BWOs are appearing around riffles during PM hours, especially during overcast days, while rubber legs and streamer patterns continue to produce.  Flow has been consistent for several days and throughout is right at normal for the time of year.


South Fork, May 8th, 2021

Flow out of Palisades Dam was raised to 10700 cfs (12200 cfs at Heise, 5410 cfs at Lorenzo ) Yesterday. This flow is at the normal for the season. Best fishing remains through presenting  rubber legs and streamer patterns. Top water fishing is minimal with only scattered midge activity.


South Fork, April 27th, 2021

Flow out of Palisades Reservoir was raised slightly to 4770 cfs ( now 5600 cfs at Heise, 3320 cfs at Lorenzo) last Sunday. Should be no effect on fishing as flow is  below normal for this time of year. With the not quite normal snow pack last winter many reservoirs are being filled as much as possible before big irrigation demands arrive.  A few midges are appearing  up and down the river, but best success for now comes through pitching rubber legs and streamer patterns.


South Fork, April 17th, 2021

Flow out of Palisades Dam was raised to 3430 cfs On Thursday, April 15th ( now 3880 cfs at Heise, 2100 cfs at Lorenzo) continuing the stair-step increase defined in the April 13th report.  These flows are a bit below the mean flows for this date.  Use the same flies and the same strategies we suggested in the April 13th report.  Water remains clear and cold.








South Fork, April 13th, 2021


March South Fork

Flow out of Palisades Dam was increased from around 1750 cfs to 2460 cfs (2970 cfs at Heise, 1700 cfs at Lorenzo) last Friday. River water is cold and clear, in fishing condition throughout, but too cold for anything but midges to hatch.   Look for USBUREC to raise flows in a step-wise manner from now on to the irrigation season. Rubberlegs, big stonefly nymph patterns and streamers work well as do small nymph patterns around riffles.  All boat ramps are open.  The USBLM Stinking Springs Human Entry road closure will be lifted at sunrise on May 1.

Water is back in the Dry Bed because irrigation structure repair there is complete.


South Fork, March 13th, 2021

Here’s a bit of info if you are considering a float trip during this beautiful weekend.  The Conant boat ramp has enough snow to make getting to the river a bit difficult.  Kitty litter,  tow rope, and shovels may be in order. Other than that, flow out of the dam remains around 900 cfs increasing on downstream to around 1300 cfs at Heise. Water is ultra cold and clear with midges emerging best in backwaters and calm channels. Rubber legs, streamers, etc., best bet for encountering bigger fish. Nymphs with and without beads give best results around riffles.


South Fork, March 6th, 2021


March South Fork

It’s been a long cold winter on the river, but here are a few things worth some words. First, the flow from Palisades Dam has been near consistent at around 900 cfs all winter. Downstream because of tributary contribution flow increases to around 1300 cfs near Heise.  Flow decreases somewhat downstream to the Henry’s Fork confluence. Midge activity seems to be increasing and will continue to do so as we warm up.  Activity can be particularly good were spring water enters.  Rubber legs patterns have been the best “go to” fly. Try them in traditional black , brown, olive, or tan (#4-8, all colors). Present these to run deep at the top of holes and runs drifting deep with an end-of-the-drift swing upward through the water column.  The best access is around the Heise bridge and there are some such points on downstream.

Stay warm, and wade carefully. The water is awfully cold!
