
South Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / South Fork (Page 59)

South Fork 9-1-12

Flow out of Palisades Dam is at 10300 cfs. With the reservoir about a third full fly-fishers are wondering when flows will be reduced to begin storage. It sure has been a spotty year for riffle fishing, but high water is likely not the only reason.  Nevertheless there remains time enough for some enjoyable riffle fishing if and when flow out of the dam drops further.           Mean while keep hitting the banks with hopper, chernobyl types, and super renegade patterns, and you will have some success. Don’t forget to include streamer patterns for evening fishing.


South Fork 8-28-12

The flow out of Palisades Dam has been just about stable for a long time now. The river is high for the time of year impacting riffle fishing. Other factors such as the warm summer (water coming out of Palisades Reservoir is around 64 deg. F. now) and the fact that hatches have off years too are involved. Nevertheless, you can find good fishing on the river by being an early bird.  It means getting on the river at sunrise, about 6:30 PM, but bringing those chernobyl types and favorite hopper patterns to slam the banks will bring action.  Early before sun gets on the water is also a good time to try streamers, so your favorite versions should in your fly box.

On the personal side, Wes Newman’s ashes were placed in the river this weekend.  He passed away July 24, 2011.  For those who remember, Wes was a South Fork advocate  the likes of which we will never see again with respect to knowledge, fishing ability, generosity, and personality.  His “foam stone” and “super-X” remain among the most effective patterns created for this and any other river.




South Fork 8-24-12


The flow is still stable at 10,900 cfs.  If you are willing to be a member of the Dawn Patrol there is some good fishing from daylight until 9 or 10 am with chernobyls and hoppers.  Monday night’s drop in the water made some of the riffles appear which has improved the mayfly hatches and fishing. Overall we have been experiencing better fishing the past week in addition to more consistent reports from anglers who are coming into the shop.

With each drop in the flow we should see more of the wingless golden stones emerge so the chernobyl patterns should continue to fish well.  Finally consider fishing a small terrestrial (ant or beetle) about two feet behind a bigger hopper or chernobyl. Try this two fly  technique latter in the day especially if fish  look at the fly and then turn away.


South Fork 8-21-12

Flow out of Palisades Dam was dropped to 11,000 cfs last night. Let’s see what impact is on fishing, especially in riffles.  Several dead or troubled whitefish have been spotted in the river below Byington.  Reason for this situation is presently unknown.  But IDF&G requests if you encounter whitefish in trouble on the river, but still alive, retrieve them if possible.  Pack them on ice (Don’t freeze ’em!) and  take to the IDF&G office on Commerce Drive.   IDF&G is conducting analyses on collected whitefish in attempts to solve this situation.


South Fork 8-18-12

Flow out of Palisades Dam stays around 124400-12500 cfs making for consistent conditions  including water temp. , currently about 64  deg. F.  That means fishing conditions have not changed much since our last report.  So for the time being continue to pitch chernobyl types, hopper patterns, and super renegades toward banks for good results. Expect spotty riffle fishing until flow out of Palisades Dam drops significantly.


South Fork 8-14-12

Only a 100 cfs increase in flow out of Palisades Dam a few days ago.  So river below remains essentially at constant flow.  Hoppers and chernobyl types presented against the banks continues to outpoint riffle fishing on most of the river.  Don’t overlook the suggestion offered on trying the same with super renegades. Evening caddis swarms make for good fishing. With days shortening up evenings are earlier, so presenting these is more convenient.  Same goes for streamers which will become more important for those big browns as we move through the fall months.


South Fork 8-11-12

No big change here.  Flow out of Palisades Dam is constant (12,400 cfs) and water temp. below the dam is 63 deg. F. Riffle fishing remains spotty. Some good overcast would help improve fishing there, but it is also possible that this is an off year with respect of numbers PMDs.  A few mutant golden stoneflies are showing up, but not as many as last year.  Keep on slamming the banks with chernobyl types and terrestrial patterns.  And do not forget to do the same with that old favorite the super renegade. Pitch it below overhead cover, pull it under, then away from that cover.  The “Super” may be out of style, but it remains one heckuva fish catchin’ fly!


South Fork 8-7-12

Jimmy fished the lower river this weekend.  Hoppers and chernobyl patterns, sometimes with a small nymph trailing, brought good action.  So did Bennett’s Rubberlegs. From around 7:30 PM to dark he experienced a very good PMD emergence and spinner fall.  Riffle fishing this season has been sporadic, so might not hurt to consider fishing  riffles in the evening, based on Jimmy’s experience.


South Fork 8-4-12

Please wear that life preserver you are required to have in your boat when on the water. Another tragedy happened on the South Fork. A lady drowned Thursday above Heise when a boat ran into difficulty on a side channel.  Life preservers were in the boat at the time of the incident.  Had they been worn it is likely that the futures of the persons involved would not have been impacted by this tragic turn.


South Fork 7-31-12

The flow out of Palisades Dam was reduced to 12,500 cfs early today.  This action is could slow things for a day.  The hatches and patterns are pretty much the same as listed in earlier reports. It will be interesting to see if today’s drop is an indication of future drops or if the level will stay constant as the Bureau of Reclamation said last week. We’ll report what news we get.

Reports and our experiences on the south fork have been all the chart from good to slow. The folks who are fishing  different techniques through out the day have been the most successful. In this bright hot weather you may have to rely nymphs fished deep if the fish are not taking dries during the day. Streamers against the bank early in the morning and evening caught fish for us this weekend. There has also a good caddis hatch at night that has been getting the fish to the surface.
