The recent minor ups and downs of flow out of Palisades Dam should have little impact on fishing success up and down the river. With some continuing rain and cloudy skies perhaps having a few patterns (i.e. san juan worm variants, balanced leeches, etc ) in that fly box is a good option because wetter banks mean more worms (annelids) are washed into the river. The cloudy, cool weather is also ideal for denser mayfly activity which will enhance riffle fishing success during day time hours. Increased overhead cover from the current weather pattern also makes responses to streamer patterns more likely.
We are at the peak of fly fishing season on the South Fork. There is something for every fly fisher to enjoy whether it is early AM spinner falls and stone flies, PMD and pink albert activity, hoppers and other terrestrial insect activity, afternoon caddis activity, streamers during increased cover periods and more. This is a “river in demand,” so launch facilities are during mornings and again during afternoon hours. Social conditions during these times can test one’s ability to stay composed as not all folks, whether they are anglers or recreationists, present will be considerate and exhibit proper behavior. So if using these facilities at peak activity periods is planned, be patient and strive to accept that being on the water to enjoy what the river offers will soon come and the “hustle & bustle” of the launch facility will soon fade into the distance.
Flow out of Palisades Reservoir has been increased slightly but not enough to influence fly fishing success. The reservoir is about three-quarters full, so at this time of the season there is enough water for downstream irrigation demands. Big news is the early AM mutant golden stone fly activity working up the river. So no significant change since our last fishing report as normal summertime conditions prevail.
We try to keep up to date on this river because of its popularity and what it offers to fly fishers this time of the season. Flows have been reduced a bit, much to the joy of walk-in wade anglers ( 7900 cfs at Irwin, 8100 cfs at Heise, 3400 cfs at Lorenzo). Water is in great shape being clear and cool. Morning mutant golden stone activity is moving up the river to provide interesting top water fishing. Mid-days are the time to run errands, photography, observe wildlife, or having a great lunch in a nearby “watering hole.” If you must fish during mid-days, nymphs from rubber leg patterns down to the array of small beaded or beadless patterns presented close to overhead cover can produce. PMDs and afternoon caddis are active, and pink alberts are making an appearance. As soon as waters have warmed by early PM, terrestrial patterns will become most effective, especially under windy conditions, for trout foraging vegetated banks. Streamers presented during evenings can fool that big brown trout searching for minnows during the increased overhead cover. So the river now offers some of everything for the fly fisher to try, and that variety and determining what food item to simulate at a given time makes for interesting fishing few other streams can match!
Palisades Reservoir is at about three-quarters of capacity. Flow out of Palisades dam continues to drop; now 8500 cfs at Irwin with 9000 cfs at Heise and a bit over 4000 cfs at Lorenzo. Lowered flows result in more wading opportunities and approaches to riffles where PMDs and caddis flies are active during PM hours. In particular, there are increased wading opportunities along the river road above Heise and along the road above Fall Creek falls. Mutant golden stone flies have begun hatching during early AMs on the lower river. Soon hatching in significant quantities will work its way up the river. That’s another reason for dropping flows to be timely!
Flow out of Palisades dam is reducing to usual for the time of the season ( 9900 cfs at Irwin, 10400 cfs at Heise, 4800 cfs at Lorenzo) as irrigation demands stabilize. With PMD populations reaching summertime levels, don’t overlook AM spinner falls as well as daytime riffle visits. No AM mutant golden stone activity yet, but keep on using those hopper-dropper rigs as bank side hoppers are becoming abundant.
We continue to have big boat traffic on the river, and first responders beg that folks within each wear life preservers. We had a recent incident where a boat wedged against a bridged abutment in Swan Valley. Human occupants, not wearing these jackets were pitched out, but luckily were picked up downstream. The lone occupant remaining boat-wise was a dog willingly geared into a life jacket. Makes one wonder who was the smartest of that bunch!
No matter where you choose to launch that boat, you will be met with scene like this for much of the remaining fishing season. Not all folks using these places will be anglers, some will be recreationists taking part in the “plastic boat hatch.” They have a right to use these facilities, but they have an obligation to do so in a courteous and thoughtful manner. The same applies to anglers.
The stonefly hatch has pretty much run its course on the river which has an essentially constant flow of cool, clear water. The mutant golden stone fly hatch is next. Now a growing PMD ( and terrestrial insect population) and afternoon caddis hatch are bringing on top water fishing.
There has been no significant change in flow down the river (12800 cfs at Irwin, 13600 cfs at Heise, 6400 cfs at Lorenzo) for several days. Palisades Reservoir is a around 90% of capacity. So we are in summertime flow conditions where irrigation demands seem to stabilize a bit. The giant stone fly hatch, being closer to the dam, is not far from ending. The golden stone flies are not far behind with some green drakes and an increasingly active PMD population following. All this means boat launch facilities, especially on the upper river, are crowded , and recreational floaters coming on. Evening remains a best time to fish the river. Daytime heat is decreasing, wind is dying, caddis are active, big browns are foraging, and most anglers are heading home or to the nearest water hole/eatery.
Flow out of Palisades Reservoir has been essentially constant for about a week. It is clear and cool enough to slow mayfly activity, but not that of caddis.The big top water happening is the giant stone fly hatch. Some green drakes and PMDs are following downstream. The stonefly peak activity is above the canyon and fish near it are full of them. If you travel from Swan Valley to Victor via Highway 31, you will not only see them flying, but also have them splatting on your windshield at least as far as the Pine Creek crossing. So the best float fishing strategy would be to launch at Huskey’s and float to Spring Creek or Conant ( both very busy) in order to find where the fish have realized their presence and started feeding.
Flow has been up & down slightly and around 13200 cfs at Irwin (13900 cfs at Heise, about 6000 cfs at Lorenzo), and Palisades Reservoir is essentially full.The giant stone fly hatch is in the canyon, and is being attended by boating anglers. So boat launch facilities from Conant Valley to Byington are getting use. Above, the river remains a bit cool, so top water fishing is yet to peak. Try rubber legs, annelid and stone fly nymph patterns and fly rod jigs. There is certainly less boat traffic from the dam down to the Spring Creek site than on the river below.