
Still Waters 11-20-12

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports  / Still Waters 11-20-12

Still Waters 11-20-12

We have had several inquiries about fishing Chesterfield Reservoir.  From what we have heard fishing there is very good.  But because 60,000 hatchery ‘bows (enough to make smaller waters look like the contents of a sardine can!)  have been planted this fall, you will have to get through these to get to the big holdover fish.  Try your favorite patterns; all seem to work. Using midge pupa patterns expect to encounter more of the planted fish. Big leeches, scuds, & streamers give you a chance for holdovers bulking up for the winter.  Although water level is low, the reservoir is slowly filling which is good news for next year’s season.  Springfield Reservoir also has been stocked, but not with 60,000.  These fish will also take anything but not offer the best of fights.  As in Chesterfield, they will become stronger through the coming months.  Another good one to try is Daniels Reservoir.  Use same strategy as on Chesterfield, and expect that the larger wooly bugger types and streamers give a better chance at hold over fish.
