
May 2012

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / 2012 (Page 34)

Small Streams 5-12-12

Warm weather means run off will return big time. Look at all the snow left in the Grand Teton Range and the Yellowstone Plateau. Its all gotta come down!  Warm River is an exception. Stoneflies are flying on the lower river.  The lower Blackfoot River from the dam down to the Morgan Bridge area offer good fishing. Discolor is coming in from tributaries draining higher country. The Birch Creek family area is offering twenty fish afternoons to anyone coming there with lightweight gear.


Still Waters 5-12-12

Chesterfield Reservoir continues to be great for indicator fishing in shallow waters around willowy shorelines.  Don’t overlook offering anything that looks like a damselfly nymph.  Everything just said also applies to the upper end of Daniels Reservoir.  Small fish with a rare lunker are quite active in Hawkins Reservoir. Nothing yet on Treasureton Reservoir ; so it must be very slow or very good.


Henry’s Fork 5-12-12

The information Tim placed on the Henry’s Fork yesterday is good and informative, but lets now give you an alternative river location.  The Henry’s Lake Outlet section of the river is open to catch and release fishing with numerous cutts spawning in the upper reaches down into the Flat Ranch Preserve.  We fished here late last week, avoiding the spawning redds but trying adjacent cover. Any wooly bugger type or streamer was effective in catching not only cutts but brookies hanging around for drifting eggs. Even encountered a rainbow or two, but not the size we were hoping for.   Flow at the time was 140 cfs but has since dropped to 110 cfs ideal for wading.  As soon as the  general season opens this part of the river will be crowded and many fish will be creeled.  So enjoy it now.


South Fork 5/11

Flows have been coming up for the past few days. The flows today are 10,500 cfs. Fishing right now is pretty much all nymphing and Streamers. We have had reports of Blue Wing Olives on the lower river by the Heise bridge but the fish rising have been sparse and inconsistent. As far as flows go and when we expect them to go up or down is weather dependent. Runoff has not started for the tributaries on the South Fork and that really could happen anytime between now and mid June. We will keep you all updated as things change and start to move into Summer fishing….It’s going to be a GREAT year!


Henry’s Fork 5/11

The release from the Ashton Dam was delayed and we believe that they will start to release water today. We will keep you all updated and although I don’t think the water quality will be fishable because they don’t have to do any excavation.

So far the only Stonefly action is on the warm river. some of them have been moved down to the stone bridge below the confluence of Warm River and Henry’s Fork. Caddis, March Browns, Blue Wing Olive and Stonefly nymphs have been effective on the lower river. Through Box Canyon you will find some BWO hatches and a few caddis hatches right now. Nymphing will be your best opportunity for hooking fish through the Box Canyon.


Big Lost River 5-8-12

Flow out of Mackay Dam was stepped down to 280 cfs Sunday. That means the river below can be waded.  Midge and some BWOs activity should pick up as river stabilizes.


Small Streams 5-8-12

Warm weather coming up will bring more run off into streams draining high country. This will put “kibosh” on fishing these for a while. Warm River is an exception if you accept that not many large trout are present.  Same goes for the Birch Creek family area and diversion.


Henry’s Fork 5-8-12

Ashton Reservoir draw-down begins tomorrow and will take two weeks to complete.  Expect discolored water during this event and for a while afterwards.  However, discolor should not be as bad as last September when unconsolidated sediments up to 100 years old moved out.   Impact on wet fly fishing is less likely than to dry fly fishing during draw-down.  A streamer pattern of the evening presented in areas out of direct sunlight remains the best way to encounter a large fish until stonefly nymphs begin moving.


Still Waters 5-8-12

Here’s news lots’a folks have been waiting for.  Chesterfield Reservoir is rounding into shape.  Best fishing seems to be in shallows around shorelines holding willows and by the dam.  Use midge pupa patterns under an indicator for best results.  Find the taking depth. A black bead zebra midge (#12-#14) might be a good choice.  Indicator fishing with midge pupa patterns has been good in shallow waters at Daniels Reservoir, too.  No information on Treasureton Reservoir yet.


Henry’s Fork 5/4

Flows on the Lower Henry’s Fork have seemed to level out from that warm spell we had last week that raised the water levels that discolored the water. Caddis, March Browns and Blue Wing olives have been hatching and fish have been receptive to a dry fly presentation. Nymphing has also been effective. I would fish 2 rubberlegs below an indicator right now focusing on stoneflies starting to move around. Just a few more weeks till we start seeing a major move of stonflies to the bank for the Salmon Fly hatch. I haven’t heard much about the streamer activity but I assume you should be able to move some fairly large fish right now with a big fly.
