
Henry’s Lake 10-13-16

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports  / Henry’s Lake 10-13-16

Henry’s Lake 10-13-16

Henry’s has not been its usual fall self lately. We have had storm fronts roll in every couple of days along with high winds that have kept the lake off color and the fish tight lipped. If the weather is consistent the fishing has been better. The surface temps on the lake yesterday were in the low to mid forties, so the temperature is certainly right for better fishing.

The shallows around the northwest corner and the State Park have been best. If the water is off color, use a larger darker leech pattern and cover as much water as possible. If your fishing the State Park specifically, guys have been having success with larger chironomid pupa under indicators.

Hopefully the weather will allow us some of the great fall fishing were all used to!
