
Small Streams

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Small Streams (Page 34)

Small Streams 7-19-10

Again, with all these currently in top conditions, it is tough to pass on details for each.   Suffice it to say that traditional attractor patterns in sizes  like #12 -#18 will catch fish in all places. Where flows are slower it becomes more important to simulate the insects that are available.  For most of these waters at this time of year that means PMD, yellow sally and caddis life cycle patterns.  Many of these waters also have a few golden stoneflies around, and terrestrials such as ants and beetles.  Streams with slower reaches  also have damselflies.  Flavs are showing up on a few streams. The hopper season is just around the corner, so begin adding small hopper patterns to your fly box, and be sure that the color of these matches that of the vegetation where you will use them.  Fishing particularly good right now are the Blackfoot River above the reservoir, Robinson Creek, Teton River in the Basin and around the Hog Hollow Bridge, Sinks streams (Beaver, Medicine Lodge, Sawmill Creek-Little Lost River), Warm River below the spring, Tincup Creek, Jackknife Creek, and Stump Creek.  For specific information on these and other streams, get in touch with us.


Small Streams 7-09-10

It’s like being “a kid in the candy store”! They are all in good shape: Henry’s Fork drainage, Teton River Drainage, South Fork tribs, Fall River drainage,Salt River tribs, Sinks drainages, Blackfoot River drainage, Portneuf River drainage and on & on.  There is so much available water it would take pages to describe the how’s, where’s and with what’s. So get in touch with us for recommendations.


Small Streams 7-05-10

They are all in top shape!  The Teton River is now dropping, and big stoneflies are out in the canyon.   Ar you looking for less turbulent waters this time of year?  You can find very interesting fishing on Robinson Creek with brookies, browns, cutts, and ‘bows present. This time of year a 14-15″ one of these is a braggin’ fish, but in the fast water, they are pure fun. Afternoons & evenings are best.  Then you have a choice of what patterns to fish: the caddis life cycle, beetles & ants, lingering green drakes & golden stones, or PMDs.   Traditional attractors work very well on this riffle and run treasure.  On most other streams PMDs, beetles & ants, lingering sallys & golden stoneflies, and caddisflies are attracting fish: Warm River, Buffalo River, Upper Portneuf River;  Birch, Beaver, Medicine Lodge, Stump, Jackknife creeks. Now that all South Fork and Palisades Reservoir tribs, and the upper Blackfoot River drainage are open the choice of smaller waters increases.  Get in touch with us or come in to learn more about this wonderful choice of waters and how to fish them.


Small Streams 6-28-10

Most of these are in good shape and will be that way for the rest of the summer.  in general, dry attractor patterns will work on nearly all of these. Teton River drainage streams flowing off the Grand Teton Range are  high,  but big stoneflies are out.  Want some great action and a chance for an occasional big cutt or brown?  Try the Salt river tribs: Stump , Crow and Jackknife creeks.  All have meadow reaches where PMDs and green drakes are emerging.  Robinson Creek remains a great small stream to enjoy a multiple hatch situation with caddis, green drakes, PMDs, BWOs, midges and golden stones attracting trout.


Small Streams 6-26-10

Big exception for being in great shape are Teton River drainage streams coming off the Grand Teton Range.   Bitch Creek, especially, is putting discolored water in the river.  Robinson Creek green drakes are emerging, so are PMDs, caddis and a few golden stones are left.  On Warm River, PMDs  and yellow sallys are emerging, a few goldens are around , and the PM caddis hatch makes for a great time to try light weight equipment.   Want some pan-sized brookies?  Try the upper reaches of Buffalo River, Tom’s Creek and Partridge Creek.  No reports yet on the Little lost drainage, but most Salt River drainage streams coming out of Idaho (Jackknife, Tincup, Stump creeks) are in great shape.  Use golden stone  and yellow sally adult patterns, PMD and caddis life cycle patterns.  Fall River giant stonefly emergence is way up the canyon and approaching the Cave Falls area. The Ashton-Flagg Road is not officially open –needs to dry out on the highest (middle) stretch.


Small Streams 6-19-10

Small streams in the Henry’s Fork drainage are shaping up. Most are a bit high, but clear. The Fall River stonefly hatch  has begun.  Action will move up to the Kirkham Bridge soon. Robinson Creek and its tribs are high, clear and fisheable.    Big stoneflies have emerged, but wet flies and nymph patterns are best until flows drop some.  Teton River remains high & discolored.   In the canyon, stoneflies should hatch in significant numbers soon.  Warm and Buffalo rivers, Partridge and Tom’s creeks are  great choices for trying light weight tackle with caddisflies, PMDs, BWOs, and a few golden stones emerging (on Warm River).   Birch Creek family area remains a great place to take youngsters, oldsters and entry level folks.   Most emergences there are during afternoons.  Beaver and Medicine Lodge creeks are also high, clear, and fisheable.  PMD hatches on the upper Portneuf River are resulting in action. Salt River drainage streams in Idaho are also high,and clear. No reports yet on fishing success there.


Small Streams 6-8-10

Most of these remain high and discolored because of the near tropical rains we have had.  Birch Creek in an exception.  Fish are not feeding on top because the slightly high water erodes banks to send food into the stream.  For sure a 14″  ‘bow is a braggin’ fish here, but the action is unbeatable.  Take the lightest rod you have, some nymph patterns, peacock woolly worms, San Juan worms, and head for the Family Area above Lone Pine.

When this stormy weather is over there will be many smaller waters to choose from for great fly-fishing experiences.  We will post here the best of these for you to consider.   You can always contact the shop for up to date information.


Small Streams 6-5-10

Most of these have been impacted by our recent rains.   This really applies to streams in the Henry’s Fork drainage. Wait for rains to stop and weather to warm for best fishing.  One exception might be the Portneuf  River above Pebble Creek where PMDs have been emerging big time.


Small Streams 5-29-10

Many of these are discolored and some are running  a bit high because of our current storms.  This includes most in the Henry’s Fork drainage and the Portneuf drainage below Pebble  Creek.  When the stormy weather moves out many of these will shape up and be an alternative to crowded conditions on parts of the Henry’s Fork.   We’ll keep up to date & pass on progress here.
