
Small Streams

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Small Streams (Page 38)

Small Streams 7-20-09

All are at their peaks for action. But with hot weather coming some of the smallest streams will tend to warm and therefore slow down.   This does not apply to the rivers such as the Teton, Falls, Warm, Blackfoot and Portneuf. On all of these PMDs, caddis and sallys still bring action, but for riffle and run reaches attractor patterns will be a blast to fish. This means such as humpys, renegades, Wulff series, and irresistibles.  For slower reaches such as in Teton Basin PMD life cycle patterns will bring action.  And on all small waters it is time to break out your ant and beetle patterns remembering that hoppers are only a week or two from taking over as the patterns of choice.


Small Streams 7-16-09

It’s hard to find one that is not fishing well.   Expect the most accessible to be crowded on weekends.    Do you enjoy fishing traditional attractor patterns?  Any riffle and run areas of these will be a great choice. Some of our small streams have a good number of large trout. This applies to the Blackfoot, Teton, Portneuf and Warm Rivers. It also applies to Bitch, Stump, Crow, Palisades, Big Elk, Medicine Lodge, Bear, and Sheridan creeks.  Get in touch with us for more information on these.


Small Streams 7-13-09

Nearly all are in great fishing shape now.  There are so many that it is tough to relate all here!   Want easy and fast fishing?   Go to such as  Birch,  Bitch, Beaver,  Pine, Sawmill, Tincup,  Jackknife, Stump, and Robinson creeks or upper Warm River.  Want more challenging small stream fishing? Try the upper Blackfoot,  the middle and lower Portneuf River,  Bufflao River, the Teton River in the Basin, the Teton between the dam site and Hog Hollow.  Get in touch with us for info on fishing all of these.  We also have the flies and gear needed for these great but mostly overlooked waters.


Small Streams 7-10-09

Just about all are in good shape now.  The choice is almost endless, so contact us for best recommendations.   But to be sure, caddis, yellow sally, and attractor patterns in small and medium sizes will produce on almost all.  There are some exceptions with which we can help.    So get in touch!


Small Streams 7-04-09

Just about any of these are now good choices, exept for a few (some Teton Basin streams) draining the highest country.   All major South Fork tribs are now open, but the best days on them are ahead.  Want a particular small stream treat?   Try Robinson Creek.  The real fun here is not knowing which trout species you will get to respond.   Robinson holds cutts, ‘bow, brookies, browns and even a whitefish or two all living in harmony. True, they don’t rival the nearby Henry’s Fork in size, but there are some of size ranging up to around 18″.  It’s a great place for that light-weight rod, and to realize that good numbers of green drakes are not exclusive to such as the Harriman reach of the Henry’s Fork, Lewis River, Slough Creek and Fall River Basin streams.  Get in touch with us to talk access, flies and strategy.


Small Streams 6-30-09

Just about all are fishable.  South Fork drainage streams will open July 1st,  but those draining really high country might not be the best choices. That also applies to streams draining the Teton Range.  For sure the Portneuf River, Warm River, Blackfoot River (opens July 1st above the reservoir) and the Buffalo River will be in good shape.  Sallys, PMDs and caddis patterns are good choices. So are attractor patterns.  The same can be said for Robinson, Birch, Beaver, Sawmill and Medicine Lodge creeks and those going into the Salt River from Idaho ( Jackknife, Tincup, Stump, Crow). And these certainly will not have crowds like those seen on the more popular waters.


Small Streams 6-26-29

Water flows are dropping everywhere, so are great variety of small streams will soon be available for great fishing. By 4th of July the choice will be overwhelming.  Right now Birch, Robinson, Beaver, Medicine Lodge, Jackknife, Stump, and Tincup are producing. So are Warm, Portneuf, and Buffalo rivers. Want strategy info for these?  Get in touch with us.


Small Streams 6-22-09

Our weekend rain keeps many of these higher than normal.  Some, however remain fishable. These include the “ever-fishable” Birch Creek, Warm River, Buffalo River and Portneuf River (above Pebble and Dempsey creeks). For all of these PMDs, sallys, caddis and attractor patterns in sizes 12-18 will work on top. Any standard nymph including princes, hare’s ears, copper Johns, and zug bugs, with and without beads and in small and medium sizes will work underneath.


Small Streams 6-19-09

Recent rains have kept many these high.  With more rain expected this weekend some will stay that way. Warm River, Buffalo River, Tom’s Creek, Portneuf River, and Birch Creek should remain fishable.   PMDs, Caddis and a few BWOs will be the fare for top water fishing.


Small streams 6-15-09

Fall River giant stonefly hatch has started on lower river.  Use your favorite dry pattern.  Portneuf River PMD emergence going great guns. Robinson  Creek is high and clear, but fishable with nymphs and wet flies. Try any bead head, wet renegade, or caddis emerger patterns. Birch Creek continues to be great fishing.  Warm River has PMDs, caddis and sallys ongoing.  Other small streams not draining really high country are beginning to shape up. These include Beaver Creek, the Medicine Lodge Creek drainage, and some of the Salt River tribs coming out of Idaho.
