
Small Streams

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Small Streams (Page 7)

Small Streams, July 23rd, 2022

The Teton River in the basin is fishing well for dry fly enthusiasts with PM caddis activity and spinner falls providing late in the day action. PMDs, sallies, and a few green drakes and golden stone flies are around. Our comments on recreational boating traffic on the Henry’s Fork apply to these waters as well. Dry fly fishing in the canyon via the Bitch Creek Slide, Felt Dam, Spring Hollow and the dam site is also good, with streamer patterns also producing. Be fully aware of rattlesnakes if you venture past stream-side locations in the canyon.

Palisades Reservoir tributaries (Bear, Big Elk, McCoy Creeks) and Palisades Creek are in good fishing shape with caddis life cycle, terrestrial insect and traditional attractor patterns working well.


Small Streams, July 16th, 2022

Now is the time to enjoy fishing our small streams, especially those that are a bit remote.

The Blackfoot River drainage above the reservoir is a good example.

Water levels in all streams are good thanks to an abundant snowfall last winter, and Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDF&G), other government agencies, and Trout Unlimited are working on improving in-stream habitat and riparian zones in many places. Caddis flies and stone flies predominate as aquatic insects and terrestrial insects will become dominant as life forms to consider when making fly pattern selections.. Although some waters run through private areas, there are many stream sections running through public lands. Contacting IDF&G’s Southeast Idaho Region office can give information on where to find water open to the public.


Small Streams, July 12th, 2022

It’s quite a drive from Idaho Falls, around 135 miles to be exact, but right now the Little Lost River drainage above Howe, Idaho is offering good fishing thanks to an abundant snowfall winter in the Lemhi Mountain Range. Rainbow trout to good size and brook trout dominate the drainage with some small bull trout in such as Dry Creek. There is a limited service BLM campground just beyond the pavement end at the Clyde township, More campgrounds, primitive and somewhat developed, are on Sawmill Creek.( see above photo).

Light weight gear ( 3-4 weight) is best for fishing these streams, and the trout and char (brookies and bulls) are not picky. PM caddis activity is reliable and soon, thanks to our dry, hot weather terrestrial insects will be numerous. Stone flies up to goldens in size may still be around. Traditional attractor patterns and bead head nymph patterns of choice are always work well. For sure there will be fewer anglers in this relatively remote area than encountered on most of our small streams closer to town.


Small Streams, July 9th, 2022

Are you looking for a stock of brook trout to have a summertime fish fry? Here are a few streams that are good candidates for creeling enough to do so. Elk Creek at the east end of the USFS’s Buffalo River campground is a good location, and another in the same area is Tom’s Creek which enters Buffalo River just above it on the south side. Not far way to the east Little Warm River is another good place to try,and USFS’s Pole Bridge campground make a good base of operations for gearing up. Cottonwood Creek above Kilgore is another good candidate. It can be a bit brushy, but such places are the best for finding them. Beaver Creek above the Stoddard Creek and campground Interstate-15 Exit holds plenty of brookies, but the adjacent Union Pacific mainline is a considerable danger. Modoc Creek, brushy as ever, below Pauls Reservoir is another good place to try if you do not mind a bit of thrashing through thick willows.

For all these streams, simple flies are the ticket. The brookies in all these are aggressive enough to take any small wet or dry pattern (try such as renegades, bead head nymphs, peacock woolly worms) offered, so save those elaborate and time-consuming-to-tie patterns for the Henry’s Forks, Teton Rivers and South Forks of this world.


Small Streams, July 5th, 2022

The Ashton-Flagg ( Reclamation Road) Road is open, but rough beyond the South Boone Creek crossing. Sedans can pass with care, but towed recreation trailers are discouraged from even trying. This opening gives access to some of the best and varied fishing available in the area. Numerous small streams can be approached in both Idaho, Yellowstone Park, and Wyoming. Tillery Lake and Grassy Lake Reservoir, also in Wyoming, offer great flotation device fishing. In Yellowstone Park Beula and Hering Lakes can now be reached as well as many of the Fall River meadow reaches. In Idaho, the Fall River can be reached before it drops into its canyon.

The Blackfoot River drainage above Blackfoot River Reservoir is open to fishing. A no-kill order for cutthroat trout and no bait and barbless hooks restrictions apply to the entire drainage here. Below the reservoir, high and variable flows dampen fishing success, but float fishing is possible and can be effective through using streamers, rubber leg, and woolly bugger patterns.

Palisades Reservoir tributaries, Palisades, Pine and upper Rainy Creeks and Salt River tributaries coming out of Idaho are in good fishing shape with PM caddis, PMD life cycle and traditional attractor patterns working well. Terrestrial insects are “coming into view” on each. Warm River below Warm River Spring and Robinson Creeks adjacent to the Cave Falls Road offer good fishing.

Warm River below Warm River Spring and Robinson Creek where it parallels the Cave Falls Road offer good top water fishing with PMD, PM caddis and traditional attractor or patterns working well.

So here is a narrative suggesting that our fishing season is full blown with respect to choices. Get out and enjoy!


Small Streams, June 18th, 2022

Most are dropping and clearing after having to carry a load of run-off from recent storms. Many of these with adjacent camping facilities tend to get crowded on weekends, so expect company especially because our larger streams have yet to offer their best fishing. All Forest Service roads are open excepting the Ashton-Flagg Road east of the Calf Creek Hill.


Small Streams, June 14th, 2022

Most small streams outside of Island Park and the Fall and Teton River drainages are running a bit high but fishing well. Many of these, such as Bear, Birch, and McCoy Creeks, are seeing numerous anglers. The Salt River tributaries in eastern Idaho (Crow, Jackknife, Stump, and Tincup Creeks) are experiencing fewer angler visits than most others. The Blackfoot River drainage above the Blackfoot River Reservoir does not open to fishing until July first each year.


Small Streams, June 11th, 2022

All Palisades Reservoir tributaries are in fishing shape with roads ( Bear, Big Elk, McCoy Creeks) a bit rough (pot holes) because of recent rains. Road construction with a flagger on Highway 89 south of Alpine will slow down travel to McCoy Creek, Salt River, and its tributaries coming out of Idaho. All these streams are a bit high and discolored with declining run-off. A few golden stoneflies are emerging from McCoy Creek and each stream has good afternoon caddis activity.


Small Streams, June 7th, 2022

All Caribou-Targhee National Forest roads in the Island Park area are open excepting the Ashton-Flagg Road east of Calf Creek Hill. Many roads now open may be wet because of recent precipitation. Remember that roads being wet enough to become rutted should be avoided and drivers caught causing such are subject to fines.

Many headwater streams are high with run-off and will remain so for a while as weather warms.This includes Teton and Fall Rivers drainage streams and Robinson Creek. Blackfoot River below the reservoir is running high with irrigation water. Warm River is in fishing condition near the Warm River campground and around Warm River Spring. Caddis and may fly life cycle, soft hackle, small nymph, and traditional dry attractor patterns work well. All Salt River tributaries in Idaho (Jackknife, Stump, Tincup, Crow Creeks) and Palisades Reservoir tributaries ( Bear, Big Elk, McCoy Creeks) are high but in fishing shape. Roads accessing these are open excepting the Jensen Creek Road.


Small Streams, May 24th, 2022

Memorial Day weekend is a big time for anglers and families trying to reach back country waters. In this year where spring is coming late, we contacted the USFS Caribou-Targhee National Forest Ashton office today. They relate that currently nearly all back country roads have yet to open and/or are in very wet, blocked with snow, or in muddy condition. That includes the Cave Falls, Fish and Snow Creek, Horseshoe Lake, and Warm River Spring Roads. All campgrounds, except the Cave Falls Campground, will be open by May 27th.

On the Palisades District side, the Bear Creek, Jackknife Creek, and McCoy Creek Roads are open. The Jensen Creek Road is currently closed.

The Forest Service offices remind us that there are penalties for damaging roads that are in muddy or very wet conditions and therefore not officially open .
