
South Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / South Fork (Page 11)

South Fork, May 13th, 2023

Flow out of Palisades Dam was upped to about 8900 cfs ( now 11240 cfs at Heise, 6250 cfs at Lorenzo) yesterday. Tributaries such as Palisades, Fall, Rainey, Pine and Burns below the dam are closed to fishing during June but now are putting cold, discolored water into the river helping to reduced fishing success to presenting nymph or streamer patterns. The lower flow at Lorenzo is because canals are opened to provide irrigation water.


South Fork, May 6th, 2023

Flow out of Palisades Dam has leveled at about 4500 cfs for several days, but is certain to rise as weather warms and downstream irrigation demands increase. Tributaries below the dam are releasing discolored run-off into the river.


South Fork, April 30th, 2023

Flow out of Palisades Dam, now about 3400 cfs, is going up two reasons. First are Magic Valley irrigation demands, and second flood control because run-off from snow melt in upstream drainages is just beginning. Look for the flow of cold storage water to increase and thus have a negative impact on fishing for a while.


South Fork, April 22nd, 2023

It is the time of year for IDF&G to resume their South Fork Rainbow Trout suppression activity while low flow (1130cfs out of Palisades Dam) prevails. This will take place in steps throughout the river from Palisades Dam on downstream to Lufkin Bottom. Rainbows captured through electro-shocking will be transported to other waters around the region. See the schedule below and see more information on this action on: F&G begins rainbow trout suppression on South Fork Snake River to benefit native Yellowstone cutthroat trout | Idaho Fish and Game.

South Fork Snake River Suppression Schedule


South Fork, April 11th, 2023

The USBUREC kept its word about releasing about 900 cfs out of Palisades dam throughout the winter. Yesterday they increased flow from the dam a bit to 1150 cfs. Priority is to fill Palisades Reservoir for the upcoming agricultural season, but with at least 120% of normal snow pack in the drainage above, this should be readily done. Flood control will enter into the water management picture for a while as the amount of water released will be at a rate not to add to the potential for such in the valley below.

Fishing season has begun along the river below as receding snow pack means increasing access. Exception is that all USFS roads will remain closed until May 1st because of the effects of the past winter. To date whitefish seem to be more active than trout, especially to nymphing, but that will change as the season warms. Midges (snowflies) currently provide the major insect emergences with a few skwalas showing here and there.


South Fork, December 24th, 2023

It looks like the US Bureau of Reclamation is keeping their word of about 900 cfs coming out of Palisades dam as a winter maintenance flow. The Irwin gage is not ice up, nor is the Heise gage ( about 1200 cfs), but the Lorenzo gage currently is. It’s a tough time for salmonids in the river, so any flow increase would be to their benefit. Merry Christmas and happy new year to you all and to those trout that the river hosts.


South Fork, November 8th, 2022

We are at the winter maintenance flow out of Palisades Reservoir; around 900 cfs, Flow is slightly better downstream after most tributaries enter: around 1100 cfs from Heise on down. Look for these flows to remain much the same through the winter and on to irrigation season beginning. As much water as possible from run-off will be captured in Palisades Reservoir.


South Fork, November 4th, 2022

Flow out of Palisades Reservoir is now 938 cfs (1150, cfs at Heise, 1190 cfs at Lorenzo) on its way down to river winter maintenance flow of 900 cfs.

Please avoid disturbing and fishing through brown trout redds being established up and down the river. These are in the process of making the future brown trout population which we will enjoy!


South Fork, November 1st, 2022

Flow out of Palisades Reservoir was dropped to 1330 cfs last night. Flow at Heise is a bit higher temporarily, and the same at Lorenzo. The temporarily high flow at Lorenzo is because upstream canals have been turned off. Winter flow is proposed to be 900 cfs.


South Fork, October 29th, 2202

Walk-in-wade fishing is the way to go with these low flows throughout the river which makes it tough on hard-sided boats. Brown trout are migrating throughout the river..Flows have not reduced significantly since our last fishing report, and we hope they do not decrease further with winter just around the corner.
