
South Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / South Fork (Page 13)

South Fork, September 17th, 2022

Flow out off Palisades dam has been ramped down over the last several days ( about 8700 cfs at Irwin, 8900 cfs at Heise, 5600 cfs at Lorenzo).. It is now approaching normal for this time of the season. So is may fly activity with BWOs and mahogany duns being active. Add terrestrial insects still around in good numbers and the same with caddis flies, and the river offers great top water fishing. With more low light conditions around, streamer fishing is also very good. Presenting nymph patterns at the heads and tails of riffles also produces. Fishing is as good as it gets on the South Fork.


South Fork, September 10th, 2022

South Fork Below Heise Hot Springs

Higher than normal flow (11000 cfs at Irwin,16000 cfs at Heise, 8500 cfs at Lorenzo ) has slowed fishing success. However, unsettled weather is predicted for much of next week. That’s just what is needed to begin the fall mayfly period. It means a big increase in BWO and mahogany dun activity with fish responding accordingly. Also, do not overlook presenting streamer patterns during accompanying low light conditions.

Another “plus” for fishing the South Fork will be the soon-to-begin advance of fall colors along the river and surroundings. So consider taking that camera during upcoming visits.


South Fork, September 6th, 2022

This guy deserves his share of the fish

Increases in flow of out of Palisades Dam have slowed fishing a bit. Although lower flow remains on the lower river because of diversion for agriculture, shorter daylight hours and lower night time air temps will soon cool this part of the river to help bring on the fall mayfly season there. Mutant golden stone activity is decreasing, and when cooler and cloudier weather begins, our fall mayfly activity will start up and down the river. Meanwhile, terrestrial insect activity provides action up and down the river. Hopper-dropper combos remain a good choice when such are presented toward well vegetated banks.


South Fork, September 3rd, 2022

Those recent small increases in flow out of Palisades Reservoir are meant to add water to the relatively depleted American Falls Reservoir. This action should not impact fishing. When weather begins to cool, look for BWOs and mahogany duns to become active.

No significant change with respect to fishing strategy since our last report. Mutant golden stones provide the best early-in-the-day fishing. Later in the day, PMDs, caddis and terrestrial insect activities provide the action. Be aware that as diversions remove water from the lower river, fish there become less active than above.


South Fork, August 27th, 2022

Mutant golden stoneflies are going strong making for good early in the day fishing. Hopper ( try hopper-dropper set-ups presented close to well vegetated banks) and other terrestrial insects produce great fishing anywhere as soon as air temps warm up, and riffles offer good fishing as PMD and caddis become active. Flows of cool, clear water are near normal throughout with a bit of warming in the lower river because of irrigation diversion. Week-end recreational floaters are most numerous during mid day hours. They primarily populate the river on certain stretches including from the dam to Conant and on the lower river above all irrigation diversions.


Big Lost River, August 20th, 2022

Flow out of Mackay Dam has been reduced to about 170 cfs. This makes for safe wading in the river below. Early AM tricos will be of major interest to trout until about noon. After that time, be ready switch to terrestrial insect and caddis fly life cycle patterns.


South Fork, August 20th, 2022

Flow has been near historic levels ( 9350 cfs at Irwin, 9280 cfs at Heise, and 4880 cfs at Lorenzo) and steady. No real change since our last fishing report except that thunder shower increase relative humidity in air giving aquatic insect a more suitable atmosphere for emerging. So keep presenting such as PMD and caddis fly life cycle and mutant golden stonefly patterns along with those for hoppers, beetles and ants.


South Fork, August 13th, 2022

With respect to fishing, the South Fork is now in its seasonal “glory days.” Bank side terrestrial insects are abundant up and down the rive. Emerging mutant golden stone flies produce good early in the day fishing. PMD, pink albert, and caddis activity in or adjacent to riffles is making their life cycle patterns effective especially when cloud cover predominates, and presenting streamer patterns in the evening gives a chance of encountering perhaps a fish of the year from the river. Certainly, many anglers are visiting to enjoy this part of the season, and the recreational public is using the river and its facilities increasingly especially during weekend daytime hours. So expect company during your fishing outing.


South Fork, August 9th, 2022

No big changes since our last fishing report. The river now offers its seasonal best with respect to fishing. From early in the day mutant golden stone flies, to mid day riffle activity from active PMDs and abundant bank side terrestrial insect populations to PM caddis activity, the river offers an abundance for feeding trout.
