
South Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / South Fork (Page 16)

South Fork, March 19th, 2022

With Palisades Reservoir filled about one third of capacity and out-flow about half of in-flow, it is going to take a lot of run-off to come close to filling before irrigation season begins. Outlook for enough snow accumulation needed to do so becomes more unlikely with passing days. So it looks like current flow in the river below Palisades Dam ( 874 cfs at Irwin, 1300 cfs at Heise, 700 at Lorenzo) will hold well into run-off season.

Under current water conditions (cold and clear), the best fly fishing strategy is to present streamer, nymph, and rubber leg patterns into deeper holes and runs using full sink or sink tip lines and stout leaders. Consider that winter is the toughest time for fish to survive. Therefore using stout leaders allow them to be played more quickly giving a better chance for survival after being caught and released. The river needs to warm for any good top water fishing to take place.

At the first off April, flow will be shut off in the Dry Bed for irrigation structure maintenance. During this time IDF&G allows a salvage situation there where fish may be harvested by any legal means rather than being wasted. Consult current on-line or hard copy fishing regulations for salvage specifics.


South Fork, February 5th, 2022

Flow out of Palisades Dam remains around 900 cfs and picks up to around 1200 cfs by Heise, But the reservoir above currently is only 25% full. Further upstream, Jackson Lake is only 20% full. So the Snake River drainage needs a lot more snow to fill both before irrigation demands begin. Let’s hope the remaining winter brings on enough to fill both and result in a good flow of water through the river below.


South Fork, January 15th, 2022

Flow out of Palisades Dam is holding around 900 cfs which is the likely flow for the rest of the winter. The reservoir is about 22% of capacity and snow pack in the drainage above is good. . Right now the Heise and Lorenzo gauges are iced up, so readings there will have to wait for warmer conditions. As expected, fishing is slow. Midge cluster patterns provide some top water action during nicer weather. Rubber leg and streamer patterns bring some action at times.


South Fork, November 27th, 2021

Sporadic midge activity will be the only time for top water action from now through the winter. “Blue Bird” days will provide times when such activity peaks. Otherwise, most fishing success will come from presenting streamer, woolly bugger, and rubber leg patterns.

Flow in the river is staying much the same as in recent weeks. The foremost thought in water manager’s minds is to fill Jackson and Palisades Reservoirs. All water users hope that this winter will provide enough snowfall in the drainage to do so.


South Fork, November 20th, 2021

Palisades Reservoir is gradually filling. Now it is at 12% of capacity. Today USGS flow gages show about 890 cfs at Irwin, 1400 cfs at Heise, and 950 cfs at Lorenzo. Flows throughout the winter will likely be around these amounts. We will keep track of these flows because of the huge public interest in how winter water conditions will impact to next year’s season.

With respect to fishing; streamer, rubber legs, and woolly bugger patterns will be most effective for months to come. During this time top water fishing will be somewhat sporadic and reduced to using midge life cycle patterns


South Fork, November 9th, 2021

We might be down to winter maintenance flows ( about 950 cfs at Irwin, 1400 cfs at Heise, 850 cfs at Lorenzo). Water is becoming too cold for BWO activity, so top water fishing may be down to only midge activity. Presenting streamer and woolly bugger patterns will get you more activity in these pre-winter days.


South Fork, November 6th, 2021

Flows along the river are about 950 cfs at Irwin, 1410 cfs at Heise and 900 cfs at Lorenzo. These could be much of what we will have during the winter as all effort will be made to fill Palisades Reservoir. Low flows or not, now is the time to present streamers as brown trout are migrating. On going further downstream, the more brown trout will be encountered.


South Fork, November 2nd, 2021

Flow out of Palisades Dam was dropped to 825 cfs today. This decrease has yet to reach downstream, so is yet to be detected by Heise and Lorenzo flow gages. Flow into the Dry Bed has been stopped which will impact flows at these gages. This drop will certainly concentrate fish in deeper waters, dry up many side channels, impact aquatic life forms, and add dangers to boating.


South Fork, October 30th, 2021

Flow in the river is now at 1310 cfs at Irwin,1860 cfs at Heise, and 428 cfs at Lorenzo. These flows make walk-in wade fishing of holes and deep runs most attractive. Many side channels are de-watered. IDF&G salvage orders are in place for the entire canal system meaning fish in these waters, including cutthroat trout, can be creeled by any legal means. Refer to the IDF&G 2019-2021 Fishing Seasons and Regulations bulletin or web site to determine legal methods and regulations for doing so. Consider that these fish, if not harvested, will be wasted.


South Fork, October 26th, 2021

Flow out of Palisades Dam was reduced yesterday to 1320 cfs ( now 2030 cfs at Heise, 700 cfs at Lorenzo ). Flow this low can de-water many side channels. Especially from Lorenzo on down, wading is the best way to approach the river. BWOs still offer good top water fishing, but presenting streamers and woolly bugger types is gaining in being effective.
