
South Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / South Fork (Page 3)

South Fork, July 27th, 2024

Although flow is lower than average for this date, water conditions could not be better. Top water fishing is due mostly to PMD and caddis activity in and around riffles up & down the river. No significant pink albert or mutant golden stone numbers yet.

Palisades Dam boat ramp and Palisades Creek boat ramp and campground are undergoing a pavement project meant to improve access and visitor experience. Palisades Dam site will be closed starting Monday, July 29, until approximately Friday, Aug 9, while that portion is completed and the pavement cures. Palisades Creek boat ramp and campsite will remain open during this time to allow continued boat access to the upper section of river. Once the Palisades Dam site is completed and usable, construction will begin at the Palisades Creek boat ramp and campground, and it will be closed for public access until completed. Closure dates for the Palisades Creek site have not yet been finalized. This story will be updated when more information is available on the opening and closing of both locations.  


South Fork, July 24th, 2024

Water flow out of Palisades Dam has been dropped step-wise from 12000 cfs on July 19th  to about 9600 cfs.  This is around 10-15 per cent below normal for this time of the season. This brings more wading opportunities along the river. Still there is plenty of quality water for fish. Fishing success can be a bit spotty, so it is a bit of a challenge to find where fish are foraging on such as caddis flies, golden stones, PMDs and other forms.  That is the advantage of float-fishing compared to wading.

Flies to fish:


South Fork, July 20th, 2024

Releasing Cool, Clear Water

Currently the South Fork offers the best of fishing conditions of major east Idaho rivers. Cool, clear waters brought on by those at depth in Palisades Reservoir are the major reason for in this condition, and as is usual this time of the season, makes the river a superb tail water fishery. Hatches of several aquatic insect species are making for great top water fishing just about anywhere on the river. The big stoneflies are mostly gone, but golden stones, sallys, PMDs, caddis and damsel flies and even midges are doing so. No significant pink alberts or mutant golden stones yet, but they soon will be here. Many weeks of great fishing lie ahead on the river. Whether you wade or float to fish it the river offers great times for you to enjoy.


South Fork, July 13th, 2024

Thanks to Palisades Reservoir sending in cool, clear water to the river, closures such as going on currently in Montana and Yellowstone Park are very unlikely. Water could not be in better quality in all aspects. Short but best if you are interested in fishing the big stonefly hatch is from Spring Creek to Conant. This could be done more than once in a day, but the Spring Creek launch will surely be crowded. So consider doing Husky’s to Spring Creek because top of the hatch will be somewhere in between those two launch sites.


South Fork, July 5th, 2024

The South Fork has arrived as a primary fly fishing location, and its waters are where they should be for this time of the season with respect to clarity, flow amount, and temperature. That means giant, golden and isoperla stone flies, green drake and PMD mayfly hatches advancing up the river and caddis activity prevailing during late afternoons. So the South Fork will have a surge in fly fishing interest compared to that currently happening on the Henry’s Fork because of peaking South Fork aquatic insect activity and warming of Henry’s Fork waters. Whether you wade at select locations or fish from a boat, expect that great weather will also bring out recreation boaters in addition to action-seeking fly fishers.

Be tolerant of boat inspection actions, and understand that reasons for such are to protect the agricultural and sport fishing industries.


South Fork, July 3rd, 2024

Flow has been stable and near normal for almost a week. That’s good news for fly fishing. Big stoneflies are going up the river and so are green drakes and PMDs.  So the river is coming into season. That means traffic at boat launch facilities and at favored locations along the river.  Gone are the high flows and cold, even turbid water. Now crowds come to enjoy the river; not only anglers, but recreationists, adventurers and sightseers.  So tolerance of other forms of recreation are in order as well as some great fishing along the entire river below Palisades Dam.


South Fork, June 29th, 2024

At Clark Hill Overlook

What the fly fishing world has been waiting for is happening, The salmon flies have begun appearing on the South Fork. They are present in good numbers around the Lorenzo area but moving upstream in smaller numbers as far as Byington. With warmer water and great weather, they will likely be in the canyon this weekend. Even a few green drakes have been spotted along the lower river, so make your favorite life cycle patterns for them available. River flow has settled down to usual for this time of the year, and Palisades Reservoir is full. There will be occasional boosts in flow depending on irrigation demands but the time is coming when caddisflies, mayflies and stoneflies will be available for feeding trout at any given time, and it will up to the flyfisher to determine which they are keying on. It makes for a fun and challenging game!


South Fork, June 26th, 2024

Outflow from Palisades Reservoir is normal (now about 12000 cfs at Irwin, 13000 at cfs at Heise, 5700 cfs at Lorenzo) as inflow-outflow and flooding are no longer issues. With warm weather here, the river below Palisades Dam offers more attractive fishing with big stoneflies and afternoon caddis soon to lead the parade of hatching aquatic insects. Expect boat launch facilities to become increasingly crowded from now through summer.
