
South Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / South Fork (Page 39)

South Fork 4-25-17

Flow out of Palisades Dam currently is 14600 cfs (15700 cfs at Heise). Wading remains a bit perilous, and boating gets you to the best waters. Presenting rubber leg and streamer patterns remain the best ways to encounter trout. Smaller nymphs presented in or at the base of riffles will get action from trout as well as from whitefish.


South Fork 4-15-17

On April 11th flow out of Palisades Dam was raised to 18000 cfs.  Result is flow at Heise is 19600 cfs, so use caution when wading. Water temperature is around forty degrees F. so don’t fall in! Use same fly-fishing tactics as offered in the April 4th fishing report..


South Fork 4-4-17

Although flow out of Palisades Dam has dropped some (16000 cfs out of Palisades Dam), the river remains dangerous for wading.  Boating is the best way to reach “fishable” gravel bars, the tails of islands, and current-free back waters. Rubber leg,egg, and streamer patterns are the best choice for encountering trout in these water types.   Because of the high flows, a trip from Conant to Byington without stopping takes about four hours!


South Fork 3-24-17

With 18300 cfs coming out of Palisades Dam, the river is high enough to make most riffle fishing difficult. At Heise flow is about 17500 cfs meaning “more of the same” with respect to riffle fishing. Water is cold to be sure but relatively clear, so streamers and such as rubber legs presented deep can bring some interest from trout.  Look for further increases in flow as room must be made in Palisades Reservoir (and Jackson Lake) for increased run-off as weather warms.


South Fork 3-14-17

Flow out of Palisades Dam was raised to 11900 cfs yesterday and to 13400 cfs today. Plans are to raise it again to 15000 cfs by this coming Friday. River below should stay clear or clear quickly, so streamer and nymph presentations are best bets for action.  These flow levels make for better boating conditions.


South Fork 2/28/12

Looks like it is time to begin offering fishing reports here and there. A good place to start is with the South Fork. Reports have the Snake River drainage snow pack above Palisades Reservoir exceeding 160% of normal.  So water is being released from Palisades Dam because run-off this year will be major.  Flow out of the dam was raised from around 2000 cfs to 3000 cfs on February 22nd. Yesterday flow out of the dam was doubled to 6000 cfs to provide space to catch run-off. This amount of flow will surely impact fishing success for some days to come.Flow out of American Falls Dam has been increased to 3000 cfs. Look for further flow increases through March as reservoir space up and down the river will be needed. These flow increases will also make the river dangerous. Thus for the upcoming weeks trying the lower Henry’s Fork (streamer or midge life cycle patterns) may be safer as well as result in better fishing success.


South Fork 11-5-16

Two days ago flow out of Palisades Dam was reduced to 1060 cfs. With our current bright skies, nymphing and presenting soft hackle patterns through riffles is likely to be more productive than fishing on the surface. Presenting streamer patterns during low light times will the best way to encounter larger trout.


South Fork 10-29-16

Flow out of Palisades Dam  was reduced to 1800 cfs early this AM. As of noon this reduction had not reached Heise where flow is 2800 cfs, but will drop later today. BWO activity continues to attract trout, but streamer fishing is the best way to interest big browns (and  rainbows) to strike.


South Fork 10-18-16

Flow out of Palisades Dam was reduced to about 3200 cfs two days ago,  This translates to about 3700 cfs at Heise.  Great action for walk-in wade fishing. Other than that, no big changes here since our 10-15 update.


South Fork 10-15-16

On 10-13, flow out of Palisades Dam was reduced to 3670 cfs. This gives a flow of  a bit over 4000 cfs at Heise. Looks like the favorable weather for BWO and  mahogany dun activity will continue into next week, but keep those streamer patterns close by.
