
South Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / South Fork (Page 41)

South Fork 08-01-16

The fishing on the South Fork is remaining constant with Golden Stones, PMD’s, and now small ants. The flows are staying constant on the river with it running 12,400 cfs out of the Palisades Damn, and the hopper fishing is getting close to starting with these warm dry temperatures. The best fishing lately has been in the mornings and evenings with a dead period during the middle of the day. During that time, I would recommend a dry dropper with a size 12 or 14 bead-headed nymph.

Flies I would use:

Nymphs: Bennett’s Brown Rubber Leg size 6 & 8, Pearl Lightning Bug size 16, Red Copper John size 14, Bead Headed Pheasant Tail Crystal Flash size 16

Streamers: Gallop’s Yellow Dungeon, Kreelix Copper/Gold, Gallop’s White Peanut Envy, Sparkle Minnow, Flash Minnow.

Dry Flies: CFO Copper/Black Ant size 14, CFO Black/Red Ant size 16,  Super Chernobyl Golden size 10 (A.K.A Chubby), CFO Flamer (Purple or Brown) size 8, CW Pink Albert Dun size 16, Pink Albert Captive Dun size 16,

Also, a yellow lab was found at the Byington Boat Ramp Saturday, if you have any information contact Logan at 208-346-2066.


South Fork 7-30-16

The river is about as stable as it can get with flows out of Palisades Dam at 12500 cfs for over a week. Riffle fishing has been good. Try pink albert life cycle patterns with thorax dun, cripples, and emergers being the best candidates. Switch from one to the other  to see which suits fish best in any riffle. Nocturnal golden stones have yet to make a significant appearance.  Ant and beetle patterns work well along well vegetated banks and hoppers are coming on. Try any big floating pattern with an ant dropper and watch cutts take that ant. Also two-nymph rigs presented over drop-offs will produce.

The US Highway 26 seal coating project is not as big a delay as first thought for those folks heading to Conant and Swan Valleys and above. Sections of the highway have reduced speed limits and waits required by flagger orders are usually around 15-20 minutes if at all.


South Fork 07-18-16

Even though it is the dog days of summer, the fishing still continues to be good on the South Fork. The Salmon flies are starting to end on the upper section in Swan Valley, but the Golden Stones are fishing well throughout the whole river. Also, I would recommend fishing a dry dropper with the Golden Stone and a small nymph below it. The best fishing has still been in the riffles with a Pink Comparadun and an emerger. The flows are continuing to stay stable around 13,000 cfs, and there is no word on dropping the South Fork. Although if I had a day off, I would spend it on the South Fork fishing dry flies.

Flies I would use:

Nymphs: Bennett’s Brown Rubber Leg size 6 & 8, Pearl Lightning Bug size 16, Red Copper John size 14, Bead Headed Pheasant Tail Crystal Flash size 16

Streamers: Gallop’s Yellow Dungeon, Kreelix Copper/Gold, Gallop’s White Peanut Envy, Sparkle Minnow, Flash Minnow.

Dry Flies: John’s CFO Yellow Sallie size 14, Kyle’s Yellow Sallie size 12,  Super Chernobyl Golden size 10 (A.K.A Chubby), CFO Flamer size 8, CW Pink Albert Dun size 16, Pink Albert Captive Dun size 16,


South Fork 07-11-16

Even though it is July 11th, there are still big bugs hatching. The Salmon flies right now are most concentrated on the Upper South Fork between Palisades Creek and Spring Creek Bridge. The PMD fishing has been the best it has been in years with PMD’s hatching all the way from the Damn to the Lorenzo take out. Between there you will find fish in riffles looking for PMD’s and Yellow Sallies. Lastly, fishing a Golden Stone and a small nymph underneath has worked well on the lower section.

Flies I would use:

Nymphs: Bennett’s Brown Rubber Leg size 6 & 8, Pearl Lightning Bug size 16, Red Copper John size 14, Bead Headed Pheasant Tail Crystal Flash size 16

Streamers: Gallop’s Yellow Dungeon, Kreelix Copper/Gold, Gallop’s White Peanut Envy, Sparkle Minnow, Flash Minnow.

Dry Flies: John’s CFO Yellow Sallie size 14, Kyle’s Yellow Sallie size 12,  Super Chernobyl Golden size 6 (A.K.A Chubby), Brett’s Salmon Fly size 4, CW Pink Albert Dun size 16, Pink Albert Captive Dun size 16, Super Chernobyl Golden size 10


South Fork 07-07-16

The Salmon flies are still going strong and moving up the river. From about Spring Creek (the bridge in Swan Valley) down to Cottonwood/Fulmer, the Salmon fly fishing has been the best. Futhermore, the fishing has been really good in the riffles with PMDs and Yellow Sallies throughout the whole river from noon on. There are a few Golden-stones hatching out on the lower section, and fishing one of those with a nymph as a dry dropper has worked. Lastly, the South Fork is still flowing around 14,000 cfs, and the river is in great condition even though it is a little high.

Flies I would use:

Nymphs: Bennett’s Brown Rubber Leg size 6 & 8, San Juan Worm size 10, Red Copper John size 14, Super Flash size 14.

Streamers: Gallop’s Yellow Dungeon, Kreelix Copper/Gold, Gallop’s White Peanut Envy, Sparkle Minnow, Flash Minnow.

Dry Flies: John’s CFO Yellow Sallie size 14, Kyle’s Yellow Sallie size 12,  Super Chernobyl Golden size 6 (A.K.A Chubby), Brett’s Salmon Fly size 4, CW Pink Albert Dun size 16, Pink Albert Captive Dun size 16, Super Chernobyl Golden size 10


South Fork 07-01-16

The South Fork has been fishing excellent lately. The Salmon flies are out from above Cottonwood to Heise (Lower Canyon Section). Also, fishing Yellow Sallies, Green Drakes, and PMDs has been great in the riffles. The upper South Fork still has no Salmon flies, but the fishing with nymphs and streamers has been the best method to catching the most amount of fish. Lastly, there are a few PMDs starting in the afternoon and I would start to look from some Yellow Sallies on the Upper South Fork.

Flies I would use:

Nymphs: Bennett’s Brown Rubber Leg size 6 & 8, San Juan Worm size 10, Red Copper John size 14, Super Flash size 14.

Streamers: Gallop’s Yellow Dungeon, Kreelix Copper/Gold, Gallop’s White Peanut Envy, Sparkle Minnow, Flash Minnow.

Dry Flies: John’s CFO Yellow Sallie size 14,  Green Drake Wulff size 10, Kyle’s Yellow Sallie size 12, Olive Hare’s Ear Parachute size 12, Super Chernobyl Golden size 6 (A.K.A Chubby), Brett’s Salmon Fly size 4, CW Pink Albert Dun size 16


South Fork 6-27-16

The South Fork is a lot like Sizzler right now. The Salmon Flies are starting to go in the lower canyon section of the South Fork. Furthermore, Green Drakes, Yellow Sallies, and PMDs are coming off around noon in the riffles from Cottonwood/Fulmer down. While many dry flies are coming off on the lower section of the South Fork, the upper section from Palisades Damn down to Spring Creek has been fishing excellent with nymphs and streamers. Also, there are starting be a few mayflies in the afternoon.

Flies I would use:

Nymphs: Bennett’s Brown Rubber Leg size 6 & 8, San Juan Worm size 10, Red Copper John size 14, Super Flash size 14.

Streamers: Gallop’s Yellow Dungeon, Kreelix Copper/Gold, Gallop’s White Peanut Envy, Sparkle Minnow, Flash Minnow.

Dry Flies: John’s CFO Yellow Sallie size 14,  Green Drake Wulff size 10, Kyle’s Yellow Sallie size 12, Olive Hare’s Ear Parachute size 12, Super Chernobyl Golden size 6 (A.K.A Chubby), Brett’s Salmon Fly size 4, CW Pink Albert Dun size 16


South Fork 06-20-16

The South Fork is starting to get fish looking up on dry flies. Since the flows have really settled down at Heise, flowing 13,900cfs, the Green Drakes and Yellow Sallies are starting to fish well in the afternoon from Byington down. Nymph fishing has been excellent throughout the whole river with bugs starting to move around more. The streamer fishing has been excellent on the Upper South Fork from the Damn down to Spring Creek. Lastly, I would give the South Fork a few more days in this warm weather before the big bugs to start popping on the lower South Fork.

Flies I would take with me:

Nymphs: Bennett’s Brown Rubber Leg size 6 & 8, San Juan Worm size 10, Red Copper John size 14, Super Flash size 14.

Streamers: Gallop’s Yellow Dungeon, Kreelix Copper/Gold, Gallop’s White Peanut Envy, Sparkle Minnow, Flash Minnow.

Dry Flies: John’s CFO Yellow Sallie size 14,  Green Drake Wulff size 10, Kyle’s Yellow Sallie size 12, Olive Hare’s Ear Parachute size 12, Super Chernobyl Golden size 10 (A.K.A Chubby)


South Fork 06-16-16

The fishing on the South Fork continues to improve and get better. The flows are still high but stable coming out of the damn near Irwin at 14,000 cfs. The fishing has still been best with nymphs, and the stone fly nymphs are beginning to move even more on the South Fork causing the fish to move. Also, Streamer Fishing continues to get better with a bright steamer. Lastly, I would start to look for dry flies such as Yellow Sallies, Green Drakes, and Blue Wing Olives on the lower section of the South Fork.

Flies I would take with me:

Nymphs: Bennett’s Brown Rubber Leg size 6 & 8, San Juan Worm size 10, Red Copper John size 14, Super Flash size 14.

Streamers: Gallop’s Yellow Dungeon, Kreelix Copper/Gold, Gallop’s White Peanut Envy, Sparkle Minnow, Flash Minnow.

Dry Flies: John’s CFO Yellow Sallie size 14, Thorax Blue Wing Olive size 16, Green Drake Wulff size 10


South Fork 6-11-16

The flush peak is over, and flow out of Palisades Dam is being stepped downward. Currently it is 15000 cfs and likely to drop further. Not only is the present a good time to present streamer patterns, but also for presenting such as wooly buggers and (heaven forbid!) San Juan and Suede Juan worms. For a time fish will look for annelids flushed out because of the recent higher water. Rubber legs patterns will be increasingly effective as we move through June, and as Parker suggested BWO, sally, and green drake adults may soon show up in enough numbers to attract fish in more sheltered waters such as channels and flats.
