
South Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / South Fork (Page 50)

South Fork 6-28-14

The fishing has been very good the past few days and should continue to stay good for the next couple of weeks. There are a lot of different bugs hatching so you will have the opportunity to fish many different types and sizes of dry flies. The big stones are up as far Wolf Flats.

There is some dry fly fishing on the upper river with pale morning duns but it will be a week or so before we see the activity there that we see now on the lower river. Nymph fishing with rubber legs or a pair of small nymphs has been good on all sections of the river.


South Fork 6-25-14

There is a nice variety of dry fly fishing on the the river now. Most of the activity is from Cottonwood downstream and usually starts by noon. There are good hatches of pale morning duns, blue wing olives and some green drakes. The golden stones and yellow sallies have started too. There are some big stones out below Heise.

We are having great success underneath before the hatches start with rubber leg nymphs, yellow sally nymphs and bead head flash prince nymphs. Streamer fishing against the bank and over the drop offs has been productive too.

The water level is at a normal flow of 13,000 cfs and has a green tint. It is has a little more color closer to Palisades Dam. We’ll post again tomorrow as Everet and I are leaving Tom and Parker to tend the shop and heading up to the south fork for the afternoon………




South Fork 6-21-14

Still no significant amounts of big stoneflies emerging, but any day now!  Flow out of Palisades Dam has been about 13100 cfs for a week, with temperature of around 51 deg. F.  So conditions are good. We’ll let you know when the big bugs arrive and fish begin to respond. Meanwhile rubberlegs and Super-X patterns can be good to imitate drifting stonefly nymphs.


South Fork 6-17-14

The “Flush” is finished and it looks like flow out of Palisades Dam will be in the 12000-13000 cfs range for much of the irrigation season.  The next big fishing event on the river will be the big stoneflies emerging. Nothing significant with them yet, but when it begins we will post it here. For now, depend on rubber legs during daytime and your favorite streamer patterns especially for evenings and early hours. Watch the riffles because caddis activity can become important.


South Fork 6-14-15

The flush is about over with flow out of Palisades Dam currently at 13800 cfs. In a few days fishing will be back to where it should be for the time of the season. Just around the corner in time the big stonefly activity will begin. We will post its progress here, so keep watching!


South Fork 6-10-14

The flush is on with peak of around 18000 cfs already happening. About 17000 cfs is currently coming out of Palisades Dam.  Looks like the flush will be decreased about 900 cfs per day and finished this weekend with flow out of Palisades Dam dropping to around 12500 cfs.  Water temp below the dam is 51 deg. F which is good for things like the big bug hatch to happen. But consider other locations to fish  for the next several days.


South Fork 6-3-14

Water coming out of Palisades Dam was bumped up to 14000 cfs from 12000 cfs yesterday. Should not impact fishing all that much. If you are considering floating from Byington or above to Twin Bridges, you can get out of the river from the south channel at Twin Bridges. Big (#4-6) rubber leg nymph patterns remain the best way to find fishing success on the South Fork.


South Fork 5-30-14

Flow out of Palisades Dam was bumped up to 12000 cfs from 10400 cfs this morning because of irrigation demands.  This action should not impact fishing success very much.


South Fork 5-27-14

Lots of folks fished the river this weekend, and results are good throughout. Rubberlegs patterns produced the best, and bead head nymph patterns were effective in the riffles and heads of runs.  Dry fly fishing remains slow. Water coming out of Palisades Dam is at 49 deg. F. , and has been flowing there around 10400 cfs for weeks. At this time USBUREC plans no flush out of Palisades Dam until run-off characteristics are determined.  If and when that flush takes place, we will post such information here. For now,  the rising water temperature and constant flow means good fishing success.


South Fork 4-17-14

The flow is up to 10,021 cfs from Palisades dam. Some of the tributaries are starting to rise with the beginning of spring runoff giving the water its customary green spring look. Continue using a rubber leg/glow bug combination for the rainbows. Streamers cast on a full sink or sink tip line will be a good technique in these water conditions.

The great feeder canal is still shut down for maintainance so the flow down to Lorenzo is high.
