10:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M., Saturdays from November 25th, 2017 though March, 2018
Each year Jimmy’s All Seasons Angler features this winter-time institution. These Saturday fly tying demonstrations are free to the public. Attending the demos is a great way to learn tying techniques, new and old, and to stay current on the use of materials and tools. The tiers we feature are among the best. Each has great experience in tying and use of the flies they demonstrate. Each is ready to share their tying and presentation knowledge and skills with you.
We began our winter slate of fly tying demos on Saturday, November 25th. So far we have scheduled tiers up to March 10th which will be our last this season. Take a look below at who is scheduled. Bring your fly tying questions to the shop any time. We have fly tiers on our staff with enough experience to answer any question you may have on materials, equipment, technique, and presentation. On moving through the given dates, we will post a bio for the upcoming tier.
2017-2018 Fly Tying Demo Schedule Completed
It was a fun season with several fly tiers demonstrating for the first time at the shop. We began on November 25th, 2017, continued through a cold, blustery December, on through a mild January and most of February, and finished during a wintry first week in March. Attendance was excellent and well-behaved. Demonstrating tiers were the same as well as generous. All this means that we will resume our tying demos next November. Again the demos will feature excellent, personable tiers, and we will invite the public to attend. Watch our web site and Facebook to see the date 2018-2019 our tying demo season begins.