
Yellowstone Park

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Yellowstone Park (Page 4)

Yellowstone Park, October 28th, 2023

Most Park roads have been temporarily closed in order to clear snow. They close for good Wednesday, November 1st. That means no access to the Firehole River. Access to the lower Madison River can be done through Baker’s Hole Campground to get to the Beaver Meadows. Expect to walk through snow. The Park fishing season will be closed after the first Sunday in November.


Yellowstone Park, October 24th, 2023

This can happen during the late season

All brown trout runs are in full swing, but those close to roads are well attended by fly fishers (Gardner, Madison, Snake Rivers). Fewer attending fly fishers are on the Lewis River channle or at Lewis Lake outlet thanks to the weather conditions. Those conditons will worsen for the rt of the weeks, so be prepared for bad road conditions, snow, wind and reduced Park services. Presenting streamer or big nymph patterns of choice are the best ways to encounter aggressive browns this time if the season.


Yellowstone Park, October 21st, 2023

If you are a top water fishing enthusiast, the Firehole River offers some of the best fishing in the entire area with BWO ( see above photo) activity being the reason for such. Swinging traditional soft hackled patterns ( partridge & olive, partridge and tan, etc) works as well as anything. Afternoon dry fly fishing using small (#20, #22) BWO dun and spinner patterns of choice is also effective.

Brown trout runs in the Madison and Lewis River drainages are peaking with those in the Snake and Gardner Rivers coming on. Unsettled weather coming up should enhance fishing success in these runs, but be prepared for increased chances for snow and drops in air temps.


Yellowstone Park, October 14th, 2023

The Lewis River brown trout run will soon be approaching its peak during the Park fishing season ( the peak in numbers happens in November after the Park fishing season closes). Presenting streamer patterns is the name of the game. It takes a bit of effort to enjoy the river’s best fish concentration: in the channel between Lewis and Shoshone Lakes. But the river below Lewis Lake requires less effort to approach, and has a good concentration of migrating browns. In either case, leave occupied redds alone. Also, be aware, that the later these runs are pursued, the worse the weather can become. See the above photo taken at the Shoshone Lake outlet campground when the weather was BAD, but fishing was GREAT!

The Firehole River now offers its best fall fishing. Try swinging soft hackled patterns into areas of rising fish or drifting small (#20-22) BWO patterns, drift free, to rising fish.


Yellowstone Park, October 10th, 2023

Park brown trout runs are in progress with respect to numbers, and the same goes for rainbow trout moving out of Hebgen Reservoir going upstream in the Madison River . Currently the major runs are in the Madison and Lewis Rivers with the run into the Snake River near the south entrance and the Gardner River runs following.

Lewis River channel on a blue bird October day

That blue bird day can change instantly! So be weather-wise.

The most numerous of these events, and least attended by fly fishers and anglers, is the Lewis River run between Lewis and Shoshone Lakes, and the best way to enjoy it is to camp at the outlet campground on Shoshone Lake in order to fish the river in the early AM before anglers crossing Lewis Lake arrive. If choosing to do so, be sure to determine the weather during camping,as this time of year can bring significant changes (see above photos).

If chasing brown trout is not your fly fishing preference, the Firehole River retains its excellent top water and near top water fly fishing situations. BWO, midge and white miller activities are the reasons.


Yellowstone Park, October 7th, 2023

Leave them be! He’s trying to charm that lady enjoying a salad!

The BWOs and white millers still offer great top water fishing on the Firehole River, but days are getting shorter and cooler. That means it is wise to check weather conditions before a visit there, especially with unsettled weather moving in next week..

The other big Madison River drainage event is the run of browns and rainbows out of Hebgen Reservoir and into the Madison River drainage above. This event has attracted numerous fly fishers seeking a “Fish of the Year” Thus your best fishing will be if you are on the river at first light and walk away from any access points before crowds move in. Run your streamer patterns through the deepest holding water for the best results, and consider that fishing under stormy conditions will diminish crowds and make for more active fish.

One other thought for those fishing near moose habitat: this is the rutting season, so keep away from any bulls looking for a mate. If you hear or see a bull acing agitated and grunting, retreat and give him plenty of space. An attack from a raging bull, especially in the back country could be a disaster.


Yellowstone Park, October 3rd, 2023

Lewis River Channel: Host of an Unmatched Brown Trout Migration

The most numerous brown trout spawning run in this area is beginning between Lewis and Shoshone Lakes. Browns from both lakes concentrate here this time of year in the river just below Shoshone Lake making an impressive presence. Most anglers motor across Lewis Lake, leave their boats at the north end of the lake, then walk up the river to present streamer and large woolly bugger patterns. The aggressive browns present range upwards in size to near 30 inches. However increased bank side angler traffic along the river reduces fish activity by mid day. Thus the most effective way to enjoy this event is to camp at the Shoshone Lake outlet campground and fish early in the day before anglers arrive from boating to the river, then return to the river during evening after boating anglers have departed. Before doing this adventure it is wise to determine weather conditions as unsettled weather is frequent this time of year in Yellowstone Park. With thorough planning, this visit to enjoy numerous large brown trout can be unforgettable.


Yellowstone Park, September 30th, 2023

All entry gates could be closed if no solution to the government shutdown happens by midnight. Follow this possibility by going to the Yellowstone National Park web site. If Park entry is allowed, the Firehole River will be offering the best top water fishing through using BWO life cycle and white miller patterns with soft hackled versions of these being most effective. With the Park staying open, crowds of fly fishers will continue to chase migrating brown and rainbow trout throughout the Madison River drainage. But the Park’s most numerous brown trout migration will become attractive soon. We will provide information on this event during the next few weeks.


Yellowstone National Park, September 16th, 2023

This is a great time to visit Park waters. Number of angers is down on most waters as is traffic, and weather is comfortable at least for the upcoming days. Changes to unsettled conditions are expected for the upcoming week.

The Firehole River offers good fishing especially through swinging soft hackled patterns such as partridge and orange, partridge and peacock, and white miller. Small terrestrial patterns presented tight towards banks also produce. Upcoming unsettled weather will increase BWO activity.

Number of browns and rainbows running out of Hebgen Lake upstream into the Madison River is increasing, but so are the number of fly fishers pitching streamer patterns to them. Brown trout are active in Duck Creek, but with base level flows they are totally wary of any vibrations and the sight of bank side anglers.

Boundary Creek in Late Summer

Meadow areas of Fall River Basin streams are loaded with grasshoppers, ants and horse flies. Resident trout know what a horsefly is, so pitch that swatted specimen into the water. Go after the trout that rises to it with such as a beat up humpy, and a good tussle will follow. Cooling weather and shorter evenings mean the best time to fish is during mid day to around 5 PM.

Before venturing to northeast corner streams (Lamar, Slough, Soda Butte), consult with nearby fly shops because thundershowers can discolor streams here making for a disappointing visit.
