
Henry’s Fork, June 14th 2024

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports  / Henry’s Fork, June 14th 2024

Henry’s Fork, June 14th 2024

Green drakes are controlling top water fishing up and down the river. They are coming out best on the lower river for now. The big stoneflies have peaked in numbers, but enough remain that trout will take floating imitations of them. Here is the basis for a strategy. The nutrient mass of a single drifting giant stone fly equals that of about 4 or 5 drifting green drakes or about half of this range for golden stoneflies. So rising once to grab one big stone fly means less expended energy that the rises to grab 4 or five
green drakes. Get the drift (no pun intended!)?
Currently good water quality reigns in temperature and clarity throughout the upper river and on downstream at least to Chester Dam. From this location, Fall River brings in run-off water in amounts that compromise this status.
