Saturday, December 16th Fly Tying Demo Features Ken Bitton
That facial slice resulting from a Clearwater River client errant cast a few years back has healed, but Ken sports it as a mark of a “passionate steelheader”. Ken is our most renowned steelheader to the point that he has guided for these fabled fish on the Clearwater River via Clearwater River Company for years and has great experience on our Salmon River and other famed fisheries. He does all this during the Fall season but takes time to enjoy “steelies” on his own. In fact, after working for many fishing related businesses, he has retired to be able to fish when the urge beckons. During the off-season he returns to fly tying, not only for steelhead, but also for trout patterns. Having grown up in Swan Valley, the South Fork was on his doorstep. he began his fly fishing and fly ting there(Ken remembers fishing the South Fork before Palisades Dam was built). All this gives Ken a range of experience to be hired as a guide as well as a tier of patterns, including his own creations in demand for that river. Ken has demonstrated his fly tying skills at Jimmy’s, other area shops, the Eastern Idaho Fly Tying and Fly Fishing Expo, and other fly fishing shows around in the west. Generous, personable, and experienced to the extreme, Ken will be sharing his fly pattern ideas for steelhead and inland trout and how to present each during his demo.