Still Waters 7-16-16
Daniels Reservoir remains the “star of the show” for reservoirs to the south, and can be a bit crowded. Damselfly life cycle patterns work very well (adult patterns work better on wind-free days) as do midge pupa patterns under an indicator. You must determine the taking depth. Springfield Reservoir can be good for those presenting dry damselfly patterns on top of channels between weed beds, again being best during wind-free times. Twenty-Four Mile Reservoir is pretty much done for the year, Hawkins Reservoir is being drawn down, and Chesterfield Reservoir is not producing up to par. We do not have as much information as is usual for this time of year simply because people are not fishing these and other reservoirs to the southeast because of political-social reasons. If you go to our current Warm Water report, you will see an sketch of the reasons why.