Today at Jimmy’s 11-10-08
Today the new website has been launched! We hope you all like the new face lift. Not much has changed in the way of the information provided, only the presentation of that information. Including a great new looking website, there are a couple new features that you should all find more useful. One of the first things changed was the format of the fishing reports. We now have the ability to archive all the fishing reports as they continue to accumulate over time. So if you want to know when the stoneflies hatched on the Henry’s Fork the prior year you can search the reports till you find the info you need. Another great feature in the fishing report is each piece of water we report on will have its ow separate page. This allows you acess and directly go to the information you desire. We will continue to stay on top of the fishing report as conditions change, like we have done in the past. As always if you need an up to the minute report you are always welcome to call the shop.
We will also continue to have updated information on Tying Demos, Classes, and events that are ongoing in the shop like we always have. We are going to keep “Today at Jimmy’s” updated, with things that are going on in the shop on a daily basis.
My favorite new feature is we now have a photo gallery for everyone to view and look at. We want you to send us your catch and release fish photos. All fish photos from around the world are welcome. We want to see your photos. Those can be emailed to [email protected], and we will post them on the site.
Hope you all enjoy the new website.