
Today at Jimmy’s, May 1st, 2021

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports  / Today at Jimmy’s, May 1st, 2021

Today at Jimmy’s, May 1st, 2021

Thunder Ridge

Thunder Ridge High School of Idaho School District 93 offers a Lifetime Sports program which introduces students to the outdoors and its wholesome activities. Fly fishing and its fly tying corollary is one of the activities.  Lifetime Sports instructor and organizer Jody Webb, for a second year arranged with Jimmy’s All Seasons Angler to host the program’s fly tying seminar in the shop for a two to three-hour session each day (last Tuesday and Wednesday) in which to introduce students to fly tying.  The seminar subject was construction of a woolly bugger and a renegade. Trout Unlimited, its local affiliate the Snake River Cutthroats, and the shop provided tools and materials to tie these flies. We recommended Buck Goodrich and Mike Miller, both much experienced in fly tying teaching, as instructors to Jody. Buck and Mike gladly offered their services to instruct students during both sessions, and most students were successful in tying these patterns. Jody offered that the day following the tying sessions participating students would go to a well-stocked public pond to test their luck at using flies they had tied.  Hopefully some of the attendees will find through Jody’s efforts that fly fishing combined with fly tying can become a most enjoyable lifetime outdoor activity.
