
November 2010

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / 2010 (Page 2)

Today at Jimmy’s 11/17

I am so excited about the shipment we got in today. We received some new Rod Mounts for your car or truck. These are by far the most superior rod mounts I have ever seen. I can’t wait to drive down the road at normal highway speeds instead of 55 mph. Check out this youtube video here.

Sumo rod carriers sell for only $150

A couple other new fly tying items we have in the shop. We now have Dyed Silver Pheasant feathers. These are great for steelhead flies and streamers. This feather is a good substitute for Guinea hackle. We also have Spey Plumes. This is a unique material it is Ostrich Herl on a smaller feather that you can wrap like hackle. The herl fibers are also great for small nymphs.


South Fork 11/15

We just received word that the Boat ramp at Twin Bridges is closed to boat use. The BLM and the Idaho Fish and Game have put up a gate to keep anyone from launching at this boat ramp. This gate will remain on the ramp until the water level goes back up in the spring. This does not mean the area is closed to fishing or access by foot, they are simply trying to keep the general public from driving on the river bottom, or boats getting stuck on gravel bars. For more information you can contact the BLM here in town.


Big Lost River 11-13-10

There is great BWO and midge activity in the river below Mackay Dam.  Flows are low making wading easy,and fish are active.  So get out and enjoy this great little river before winter sets in for sure.


Henry’s Lake 11-13-10

Fish are in the shallows all around the lake, and they are eager to hit flies. Small leech patterns presented on slow sink or intermediate lines are best.  The problem is the weather. It’s gonna be COLD and even WINDY and SNOWY.  So dress and drive accordingly.


Main Stem Snake River 11-13-10

Flows are down to normal or a bit below, so wading is ideal for pitching streamers. Water temps are in the low to mid forties, so dress accordingly.  There are so many good locations the best thing to do is come in and see us to help make a choice.  Be sure to have a sink tip and a floating line equipped with short, stout leaders for presenting your streamer flies. Fish late or early in the day for the best chance to meet a migrating brown.


Henry’s Fork 11-13-10

As with the South Fork dry fly fishing concentrates around BWO and midge life cycle patterns.  Streamer patterns produce best results for wet fly fishing, although bead heads of your favorite small nymphs will produce.    Flows above Ashton Dam remain lower that normal to aid in the Ashton Dam project.  Flows below the dam are also low.  Low flows concentrate fish into deeper water for overhead cover, so watch heads and tails of holes and runs as well as riffles for rising fish.


South Fork 11/13

Fishing on the South Fork has consistently been good. The trick is finding fish schooled up in a hole. There are a few Blue Wing Olive Duns out but the majority of them have since passed with the change in weather this week. Midging is the best dry fly action right now. The streamer fishing is really good and will continue that way as long as the water temps stay warm for this time of year, and that is above 40 degrees. 44-48 degrees is ideal. Flows are at there winter time level and should not change, this allows lots of spots for wade fishing and drifting is not necessary this time of year.


Still Water 11-05-10

Some great fishing is to be had on Chesterfield, Daniels and Hawkins reservoirs.  Big fish have moved into shallows in each, so intermediate lines and leech patterns in fall colors are the way to fish.  Best fishing on Daniels seems late and early in the day. Fish in front of the dam at Hawkins. Any time seems to work on Chesterfield.  Springfield had been planted three times by mid October, but hold-overs are running to the mid-twenty inch range. All you have to do to encounter one is get past the planters.  Sand Creek ponds remain fishable, but action seems a bit slow with fall color leech patterns. Midge pupa patterns under a strike indicator will work on all these when you find the taking depth.


Small Streams 11-05-10

Many of these are shutting down for the upcoming winter season.  With stormy conditions roads to many will be tough, but some remain fishable. Birch Creek and the lower Teton  and Blackfoot rivers to name a few.  Streamer patterns would be best on the lower Teton and the lower Blackfoot.   Birch Creek’s BWO hatch will go on for a while and midges will continue through the winter.


Big Lost River 11-05-10

Because of overhead cover from cottonwoods, BWO emergences go on even on sunny days. Midges emerge all day here. With flows out of Mackay Dam around 100 cfs, walk-in wade fishing is great.  So get out and enjoy this great little river before winter sets in.
