
Henry’s Lake

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Lake (Page 13)

Henry’s Lake 5-29-18

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The lake was slow fishing during opening weekend, but some large fish were caught. Leech patterns worked best. Because ice-out happened several days ago the lake has apparently warmed enough for many fish to move to deeper water.


Henry’s Lake 9-30-17

Henry’s remains fairly slow fishing unfortunately. The water clarity remains very poor with the algae conditions. This issue should go away any day now with the cooler temps, but as of this posting, it is still present. Once the algae is gone, the fishing should be excellent. Fish have moved in to the Howard Creek, Pintail Point, and Hatchery areas and should be willing once the lake clears up. We will be sure to update everyone as soon as the algae is gone.


Henry’s Lake 9/20/17

Well, we got the weather change we all wanted! Unfortunately for us, it came pretty hard and fast and has slowed the fishing down. As soon as the weather mellows out and warms back up, it will be go time up at Henry’s. Leech patterns in darker colors should be the go-to for the rest of the fall. As far as location goes, anywhere with fairly clean water will fish well. Concentrate fishing in water under 10ft with the appropriate lines. A lot of the big fish lately have come in very shallow water and we have started carrying a couple new lines in the shop to help you get to these fish. Give us a call at the shop about these new lines and we can get you squared away!


Henry’s Lake 9-18-17

Again. we emphasize that current weather is turning on fish in the lake.  Look for improved fishing in all locations. It is tough to recommend any particular fly on an overall basis because physical conditions at locations around the lake vary. Thus your fly box should contain a variety of flies including such as leech and streamer patterns, midge and speckled dun life cycle patterns, traditional Henry’s Lake flies, and attractor patterns. Some of the best fishing on the lake is when weather is at its worst, so dress for the occasion. So if you are fishing from a boat, especially under such conditions, do so with care, and include all suitable safety equipment in enough quantity for all occupants. .


Henry’s Lake 9-16-17

More “just what the doctor” conditions are happening here.  Water temperatures are dropping from the sixties to the low fifties in degrees F.  Some rough weather can be expected for the near future meaning boating should be done with caution.  But combining this weather with cooling water means nothing but fishing improvement can happen. For now, try leech patterns around creek mouths. Fish are beginning to move into shallow areas throughout, so consider spending more time on these along such as the north and west shorelines where gold and olive crystals, small fly rod jigs, streamers, peacock leeches and traditional Henry’s Lake patterns will become increasingly effective.





Henry’s Lake 9-2-17

Two days ago we passed around the south end of Henry’s Lake on our way to Red Rock Pass. The Cliffs, County Park, Hope and Duck Creeks and much of west shoreline were in view. Not a boat in sight!  Pretty much tells the tale of current fishing success on the lake.


Henry’s Lake 8-8-17

The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has issued a blue-green algae warning for Henry’s Lake. Even boiling the water will not kill the toxins produced. So culinary use of any kind is out for now, and if you do keep any fish for the table you are taking a chance unless they are thoroughly cleaned and skinned beforehand. With respect to fishing, this bloom signals that fishing action is slow and makes for another reason to wait until autumn for action to improve and for safer water.


Henry’s Lake 7-28-17

Be at those creek mouths (Targhee, Howard, Duck, Hope) by the crack of dawn to present leech patterns and small fly rod jigs using intermediate lines. As the sun rises expect company. If you are having success, expect some crowding, so be patient and understand that these places provide some of the best and most easily approached fishing on the lake during summer.
