
Saturday, March 9th Fly Tying Demo Features Scott Sanchez

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports  / Saturday, March 9th Fly Tying Demo Features Scott Sanchez

Saturday, March 9th Fly Tying Demo Features Scott Sanchez

A One Fly Vet

Scott Sanchez began tying flies at age 12. As a youth in Utah he offered his first of many fly tying workshops. He has worked in the fly fishing industry for decades, and is now the manager of JD High Country Outfitters in Jackson.  Scott has written articles and sold photos internationally, and his photos have won regional and national awards.  His books include Introduction to Salt Water Fly Tying, The Never Ending Stream, and A New Generation of Trout Flies.  In 2007, he received the Arnold Gingrich Lifetime Achievement Award for literature from the Fly Fishers International and in 2010 he was their recipient of the Buz Busek award for contributions to the fly tying world. Scott has been a featured guide on national TV programs. He is considered one of the most innovative fly tiers in the world. During the annual Jackson Hole One Fly he is in high demand for his ultimately effective flies. He has decades of experience fishing around the world but especially in the Greater Yellowstone area. It has been nearly a decade since Scott’s last tying demo at Jimmy’s. During the upcoming demo he will offer parachute style patterns fr fresh and salt water. Some of these will be intricate, and others will be “ standard.” This demo will be a great chance to add to your parachute style tying skill..
