
Still Waters, July 15th, 2023

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports  / Still Waters, July 15th, 2023

Still Waters, July 15th, 2023

Sand Creek Pond #4

For most of our irrigation reservoirs the summer doldrums have arrived with dropping and warming water levels due to irrigation demands. This means fish will remain deep in order to have the coolest water. So fishing early in the day or going to the depths will bring best chances for action. Expect these conditions throughout the irrigation season, then as we cool by late summer and irrigation slows, these water bodies will offer much better fishing. We have heard, however, that Mackay Reservoir is providing some good fishing away from the inflow of discolored water.

If you are a still water enthusiast, the Sand Creek Ponds open today for non internal combustion engine aided float fishing. Expect crowds of floaters for a while at this easily reached and popular area. If you try these ponds, with Pond # 4 being the best, look for damsel fly, speckled dun and midge activity. So bring their life cycle patterns and use floating lines, strike indicators and long leaders to present these. Early AMs an evenings will be the best times for activity.

Still want to learn of some still waters not impacted by the summer doldrums? Take a look at our southwest Montana discussion.
