
Henry’s Lake

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Lake (Page 14)

Henry’s Lake 7-15-17

Action is slowing down somewhat. Best strategy will be to head for creek mouths. All  creeks coming into the lake have good water levels this season. Cooler water coming from them attracts fish because of higher dissolved oxygen concentrations. The same applies to spring holes.  Get to these locations early in the day to present your favorite leech and damselfly nymph patterns, but expect company from “anglers in the know” as the day advances.  Want to experience even better still water fishing than Henry’s Lake currently offers? It’s not far from Henry’s Lake and can be found during the Madison Arm gulper activity on Hebgen Lake.


Henry’s Lake 6-3-17

During the recent holiday weekend Henry’s Lake did not give up a lot of fish, but of those caught many were large. Leech patterns were among the productive offerings.


Henry’s Lake 10-29-16

Just like the old expression “gold is where you find it”, you can find Henry’s Lake trout in shallow waters anywhere around the lake.  Some locations like the State and County parks will be more crowded than others, but everyone seems to be catching fish. Large woolly bugger flies presented on intermediate lines seem particularly effective.


Henry’s Lake 10-13-16

Henry’s has not been its usual fall self lately. We have had storm fronts roll in every couple of days along with high winds that have kept the lake off color and the fish tight lipped. If the weather is consistent the fishing has been better. The surface temps on the lake yesterday were in the low to mid forties, so the temperature is certainly right for better fishing.

The shallows around the northwest corner and the State Park have been best. If the water is off color, use a larger darker leech pattern and cover as much water as possible. If your fishing the State Park specifically, guys have been having success with larger chironomid pupa under indicators.

Hopefully the weather will allow us some of the great fall fishing were all used to!


Henry’s Lake 10-8-16

There are no “where are the fish?” questions going around now about Henry’s Lake! Fishing has really picked up, and with cooling weather can get better.Typical good areas to fish include the west side, creek mouths, and around the State Park. Expect crowding in many locations, and you will have company when you get into fish. As we mentioned in our October 1st report, big flies flies  (various leech and streamer patterns) presented in shallow water (less than 10 feet) seem to work as well as anything.


Henry’s Lake 10-1-16

The event that so many folks have been wanting is beginning. Fishing is picking up on the lake and should improve as we move through October.  Big flies presented in relatively shallow water seems to be working now. Some folks tout big streamers, some folks tout big leech patterns, some folks tout big soft hackled patterns, and some folks tout fly rod jigs.  Take your pick!


Henry’s Lake 9-15-16

Henry’s is showing signs of improvement, but overall fishing remains pretty tough. The key has been finding fish, if you can do that, the fish have been pretty willing. Wind storms have pounded the lake this late summer/early fall and combined with the blue/green algae bloom, half the battle has been finding clean water. The good news is with the cooling temperatures, the algae is disappearing and the weeds are dying off.

Now for the fishing……Concentrate your efforts in fairly shallow water (10ft and less) with type II and intermediate lines. There is still a fair amount of weeds present but don’t let that discourage you. The best fishing has been in amongst the weeds. Prospect with fly patterns until you find something thats working. All the traditional leech patterns (california leech, hot chocolate, Brown CB, Olive CB, mohair leeches, etc…..)  have been working in sizes 6 & 8. Later in the day switch over to scuds, mighty mouse, HL renegade, and other smaller flies. If your into drifting with flies, there have been some large fish caught recently drifting between Targhee Creek and the State Park. Use a fairly fast sinking line if your planning to drift that area.

We have also had quite a few people calling and asking if the cutthroats have moved into the state park area, and the answer is not yet… That could happen any day now though so I would check it if your on the lake. The water temps are right and it feels like the lake is just about to go off, lets hope its soon!


Henry’s Lake 8-23-16

Fishing remains quite slow, but the good news is that the blue-green algae bloom seems to be receding. Cooler night and daytime air temperatures is part of the reason. We are all looking forward to autumn months for the usual pick-up of fishing success here.


South Fork 8-23-16

Stable and good quality water means good fishing continues on the river. The Great Feeder has been shut down meaning more water in the river below Byington.  Mutant golden stoneflies are emerging. Wes Newman’s Super X has been around a long time, but it works as well as other patterns for these stoneflies. Chernobyl types also fished on top early and again late in the day are also a good choice. Using two nymph rigs  of small bead head patterns is the most productive approach for fishing drop-offs around riffles now that hatches have diminished a bit. Try caddislfy life cycle patterns in the evening, and consider pitching a streamer pattern after the sun leaves the water.
