
Henry’s Lake

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Lake (Page 15)

Henry’s Lake 7-16-16

Fishing here sure has been slow, and the reason is likely a combination of factors. Leeches presented deep seem to bring the best results up to now.  But the way things are warming up, it is likely time to concentrate presenting traditional Henry’s Lake patterns at creek mouths. Begin doing so at first light, and expect oncoming company, especially if you are having good fishing.


Henry’s Lake 6-7-16

Everything we have heard so far indicates slow fishing. Could it be that the ice going off somewhat early warmed the lake enough to move fish away from the shoreline and out into the lake and around springs?  Hard to say, but it might be best to seek out the springs and try early season leech and midge pupa patterns. One thing for sure is that with only 60 cfs going out of the lake and fish having move away from shallows, not many have been flushed into the outlet below.  So there are still plenty of fish around, and it is just a matter of finding them.


Henry’s Lake 5-16-16

The opener is just 12 days away and we have received quite a few calls from folks wondering how the fishing will be this year. From what we have heard from the fish and game as well as current water levels, there is no reason not to be optimistic. Last fall, people were finally starting to catch some of the nicer fish the lake is known for with some consistency. The ice came off the lake early this year, so focus on water deeper than you typically would on the opener. Fish should be hanging in that 6-15ft range and should be hungry. Leeches dominate early season fishing so be sure to have a large assortment of leeches in different sizes and colors to make sure your prepared. I would make sure you have some california leeches sz 6, purple showgirls size 4, black mohair leeches in sz 8, and brown and black crystal buggers in sz 8. Call us at the shop with any questions you may have!

here is a little blurb from the fish and game about the spring gillnetting up at the lake “Henrys Lake spring netting is complete. Although the fish per net was below objective, there are sufficient numbers to provide good catch rates. Relative weight or how fat the fish are is improved. Lake conditions look favorable and it should be a good year to catch that fish of a lifetime. Many thanks to University of Idaho graduate students and BYU/Idaho biology students for participating this year.”


Henry’s Lake 11-24-15

Some hardy souls are ice fishing the lake now. Let’s hope they are being cautious enough to be safe as thin ice areas remain without a doubt.  Consider that presence if you give it a try. Dress warmly and drive a winterized vehicle.


Henry’s Lake 11-10-15

The lake is beginning to ice over. Some of the north shore is already there. Fishing in shallow water remains good, but you’d better hurry to enjoy it. Colder weather is in the forecast for later this week If it happens during calm weather, guess what’ll happen to the rest of the lake!


Henry’s Lake 11-3-15

With weather cooling off, big question is “when will the lake freeze up?” As soon as we hear, we will post that info here because when freeze-up comes boating isn’t practical, let alone wading! For now it’s a good idea to consult state highway web page for road conditions before deciding to take part in the on-going good fishing.


Henry’s Lake 10-31-15

If you enjoy fishing Henry’s Lake with bad weather, the upcoming days will make you happy. Because so many folks say the best fishing on Henry’s Lake is under these conditions, may be now is the time to go there. Dress for foul weather, concentrate on fishing shallow water,and present standard Henry’s Lake flies on an intermediate line.
