
Henry’s Lake

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Lake (Page 23)

Henry’s Lake 6-9-12

Latest reports say that fishing is picking up some, at least it is better than earlier in the week.  That goes for both fishing shorelines and from boats. Surest way to find best fishing from a boat is the usual Henry’s Lake method of seeing where boats are concentrated.  It’s like taking part in a gold rush, but once you get there the taking flies have to be discovered. When you get there try the flies we recommended during the June 5th report.  Add bead head peacock leech to that list of patterns.


Henry’s Lake 6-5-12

Bank fishing is quite slow. Early ice-off allowed fish to disperse early.  Best fishing is out in the lake, so bring that boat  for the best chance of success. Wooly bugger types, krystal, mohair and California leeches seem to work out there.


Henry’s Lake 5-26-12

No reports on fishing have come in to date, but IDF&G was predicting a slower opening day this year because with ice going off the lake so early, fish have had a  longer time to disperse away from shorelines. That makes it sound like best fishing could be out in the lake. After reports start coming in, let’s see if that is the case.


Henry’s Lake 4-28-12

Here’s another piece of information that backs up that we are having an early spring.  Ice is going off Henry’s Lake right now!  Sorry: Henry’s Lake does not open to fishing until Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.  Ice is also going off nearby Hebgen Reservoir in Montana.   It opens to fishing the third Saturday in May.


Henry’s Lake 11-11-2011

We have not heard if the lake has iced over, but any day now it will.  As soon as we hear, we will post it here.  Meanwhile be ready to move around the lake to find where fish are active.  Bring intermediate and floating lines to concentrate on shallow waters and warm clothing.


Henry’s Lake 11-1-2011

If you like cold weather fishing, this is the place!  Concentrate on shallow waters, and be ready to move around the lake to find the best fishing.  Because fishing in shallow water is best, bring intermediate and floating lines to present such as crystal buggers, halloweens,  mity mites, mohair leeches, and crystal wooly worms.


Henry’s Lake 10-22-2011

Fish are where you find them. The “for sure” place is at the State Park where cutts have congregated along the shoreline.  Trouble is so have anglers.  So to avoid the biggest crowds, the west side is a good bet, and so is the Duck Creek-Hope Creek area and the north shoreline.  Try olive crystals, bead head peacock leeches on an intermediate line. Early AMs and evenings are best times for action.


Henry’s Lake 10-18-2011

Henry’s is fishing about as good as it gets right now. Shallow areas all around the lake are fishing well with basic leech and scud patterns on intermediate lines. Most areas of the lake will produce well this time of year, so there is no reason to crowd others. Give fisherman at least two cast lengths of room to ensure fish will continue to work in the area.

Get up there and take advantage of the great fishing, its not going to last long! Come into the shop and we can show you the best flies to take up with you.


Henry’s Lake 10-11-2011

Fish are hitting just about everywhere in shallow waters around  lake.  The days of speckled dun hatches are over, but a few caddis remain making peeking caddis patterns, about size 14, fished in shallow waters effective. But the best way to encounter fish is with the variety of effective woolly bugger, woolly worm types, soft hackled streamers, and fly rod jigs .  Choose your colors here just as you choose locations. Right now the north side of the lake has clearer waters than the south side,  thanks to recent storms. Water temps are still in the low 50s in degrees F.   That means extensive weeds remain.  As waters drop in temperature these will break up further making for better retrieves.  As good as the lake is now, look for better fishing as we cool off further.
