
Henry’s Lake

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Lake (Page 32)

Henry’s Lake 7-04-09

Lot’s of interest here because of the upcoming damselfly emergence. Recently best results are had by fishing midge pupa under a strike indicator.  But we have an indication the the fish are beginning to pay attention to damselfly nymph patterns.  That old Henry’s Lake standby the Mity Mite has been producing in shallow water.  So any day now damselfly nyphs will the only way.


Henry’s Lake 6-30-09

Anticipation is up for the damselfly emergence, the next big event here.  It may be underway already with the question as to when will fish begin keying on them.  Get those damselfly nymph patterns ready!


Henry’s Lake 6-22-09

Fishing remains slow, especially near shorelines.  Best thing to do is get a good supply of damselfly nymphs whether you “tie or buy”.   And get that intermediate line ready.  Come the end of this month and into July, the damselfly emergence will be a great chance for you to get into a fish of the year.


Henry’s Lake 6-19-09

The best activity here would be to go to the tying bench and produce damselfly nymphs for the emergence beginning around the end of the month.  If you need to get out, head for deeper water to try midging or presenting scud patterns.


Henry’s Lake 6-15-09

Slow is the word, but get those damselfly nymphs ready for the end of the month. Your best pattern for success now would be scuds in various colors as the weed growth has begun and harbors a growing population of these insects.


Henry’s Lake 6-12-09

Fishing here has really slowed since opening day weekend.  Fish are mostly in deeper water.  Trolling streamers or putting flies on the bottom there until weeds interfere will bring some responses. Give it a few weeks, and the damselfly emergence will bring the lake back to life fishing-wise.


Henry’s Lake 6-08-09

Fishing has slowed since opening day weekend because fish are moving to deeper water away from shorelines. This means switching away from intermediate to faster and deeper sinking lines for presenting streamer, woolly bugger, and leech patterns.  Trolling these flies will also be an option until weed growth gets going.  Right now cool, cloudy weather has slowed this growth.   We are all looking forward to when the damselfly emergence improves fishing late this month.


Henry’s Lake 6-04-09

Fishing action really slowing down because of the blanket midge hatch.  You can depend on this taking place every season as soon as the lake begins to warm.   Look for fishing to improve considerably near the end of the month when damselflies become active.  Until then there will be good days & bad days.  Try trolling streamer patterns until weed growth makes this technques tough.


Henry’s Lake 5-28-09

The shoreline combat fishing on opening day weekend will subside but  will not totally die out around locations where fishing is good.  The west side and in front of the cliffs currently seem to be the best places to find action.  Look for good cutthroat populations in shallow water with hybrids & brookies staying deeper.  Use your favorite leech and bugger patterns in shallow water, and present them on intermediate lines for the best chance of action.  Use faster sinking lines when fishing deeper water.


Henry’s Lake 5-25-09

It’s been a very good opening weekend here, especially for those concentrating on shallow water. Best fishing action seem to be around the west side such as around the County Boat Dock and Pintail Point. The north shoreline seems a bit slower.  Dark woolly bugger and leech patterns presented on intermediate lines have brought the best action all around the lake.  Look for the shoreline crowds to thin a lot during week days.
