
Henry’s Lake

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Lake (Page 33)

Henry’s Lake 5-21-09

Look for fish to be cruising shorelines looking for food this weekend.  Water out in the lake is cold to the point of being less hospitable and hosting less food, so fishing around shorelines will be most productive. That means the most popular access points are likely to be crowded.  Bring your favorite early season patterns particularly leech and wooly bugger patterns.  Use intermediate lines because of fish cruising the shallows.


Today at Jimmy’s 4-21-09

Spring is officially here! The temperature was up to 70 degrees yesterday. Don’t be quick to pack away your snowblower yet we’re sure to have at least one more snow storm before summer is here. We have been really busy at the shop we are starting to receive shipments for the upcoming season. We have received our Cloudveil order. We now have a great selection of new shirts and pants for men and women from Cloudveil.

With this warm weather and the snow beginning to melt in the mountains, our streams and rivers will become high and dirty. There is still really good fishing in our local resevoiurs. These resevoirs host large fish that fun to catch. Also the warm water fishing will be picking up soon. Bluegill, and bass are a lot of fun to catch in the spring. If you haven’t had a chance to get out and fish stillwater come into the shop and we will be happy to get you headed in the right direction. If your favorite fishing hole is too high and mighty, try something new, or come back to an old favorite pastime.


Henry’s Lake 11/22

Bill Schiess was in the shop today. We had to ask when he thought the lake would ice up. His answer:” any night now!”  Last year the lake iced up during the night of 11/21-22.  Until it ices up this year, use intermediate lines to present leech patterns in fall colors.  Shorelines and around weed beds are best locations, but hurry: the fishing season here ends November 30th.


Henry’s Lake 11/11

Problem here is road conditions. It is best to check on them before going here. Once you get to the lake anywhere in shallow waters is where the action is whether you choose to walk-in or use a boat. Intermediate lines to present scud, wooly bugger and small streamer patterns bring the best chance of success.


Henry’s Lake 11/06

Fish are in shallow water all around the lake, and fishing ranges from good to excellent depending on location and weather. Leech and streamer patterns on intermediate lines are the trick, but watch the weather because roads getting there can be tricky.


Henry’s Lake 11/3

Expect the stormy weather coming up to improve the fishing good as it is. Shallow water is where the action will continue to be for the rest of the season. Concentrat on presenting those leech patterns.


Henry’s Lake 10/27

Action is picking up in the shallow water all around the lake. Look for weeds to be breaking up and leech patterns in fall colors to be increasingly effective. Dress warmly!


Henry’s Lake 10/27

Action is picking up in the shallow water all around the lake. Look for weeds to be breaking up and leech patterns in fall colors to be increasingly effective. Dress warmly!
