
Henry’s Lake

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Lake (Page 7)

Henry’s Lake, October 12th, 2021

This weather is ” just the ticket” for improving fishing here. It will also help break up those copious submerged weeds. Currently, roads can be a bit hazardous with icy stretches, possible fog and road clearing action, each reducing the number of folks fishing. Thus we have no reports yet of improved fishing, but they should be coming in as weather improves.


Henry’s Lake, October 9th, 2021

The current weather is just what is needed to improve fishing success here. With cooler water (a few weeks ago water temps were close to 60 deg. F) fish will become more active and move to shallower water, weeds will breakup, and algae diminish. Fairly soon the best season for fishing the lake is developing and it should live up to its reputation and offer good fall fishing.


Henry’s Lake, September 28th, 2021

Fishing seems to be picking up a bit for those presenting traditional Henry’s Lake patterns on intermediate lines. Weed growth remains thick and not yet decreasing. Water temperature is hovering close to 60 Deg. F, So significant cooling is needed to bring on the best fishing.


Henry’s Lake, September 25th, 2021

Thanks to cooling weather fishing is beginning to pick up on the lake. Some fish are being picked up from fairly shallow waters along the west shore. Use intermediate or #2 sinking lines to present traditional Henry’s Lake patterns in 4 and 6 sizes. Bill Schiess’s book ” Fishing Henry’s Lake” offesr several patterns for this time of the season.


Henry’s Lake, August 17th, 2021

We have heard very little on fishing success at Henry’s Lake. Reading between the lines, we would hear success stories if fishing were good. Unusually warm water is a major reason for slow fishing here. . Nevertheless, if giving it a try comes about, try creek mouths and spring holes early in the AM and use standard patterns recommended for this time of the season.


Henry’s Lake, July 27th, 2021

Same story: fish creek mouths and spring holes. Get there at sunrise, fish till mid-day and expect company especially if you are catching fish. Opportunistic anglers will use binoculars to glass the lake and join your success. Again refer to Bill Schiess’s “Fishing Henry’s Lake” to find the best mid-summer patterns. .


Henry’s Lake, June 26, 2021

With the lake warming up, it is time to begin fishing creek mouths and submerged springs. Springs are “where you find them.” Creek mouths such as Howard, Targhee, and Duck tend to become crowded, so the earlier the arrival, the better. Floating or sink tip lines are best depending on depth of presentation. The best patterns for doing so can be found in Bill Schiess’s informative book “Fishing Henry’s Lake.”
