
Main Stem Snake River

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Main Stem Snake River (Page 2)

Main Stem Snake River, April 6th, 2024

Because of the increasing flow out of Palisades Dam the Snake River is much higher than normal for this time of the season. This condition will continue well into the irrigation season and makes presenting large streamer patterns the best option for fly fishing success during this time. The same applies to the river below American Falls Dam.


Main Stem Snake River, January 13th, 2024

If you can stand the cold weather and swishing those guides in water to free ice, the river (running 300 cfs) below American Falls Dam is the most convenient place to fish for now. Just below the dam gets quite crowded with anglers presenting terminal gear of all types (legal and not so legal). Moving on downstream gets one away from this condition, ice and snow permitting. Streamer, fly rod jigs, and woolly bugger types using sinking lines work best.


Main Stem Snake River, December 16th, 2023

Cold water temps slow fishing everywhere on the river. Access remains good, especially upstream from the Shelley-Firth area and flow is at normal seasonal amounts.

Below American Falls Dam access is not quite as good at certain locations thanks to some snow banks. The closer you get to the dam, access improves, but you will have more fishing company. River flow is around 300 cfs there. Streamers, woolly bugger types, and big rubber leg patterns seem to bring most success anywhere on the river. Fish these deep with either sink tip or full sink line.


Main Stem Snake River, November 25th, 2023

Of all our major rivers, the main stem Snake will remain the most accessible through the winter. Access to it above American Falls Reservoir will diminish because of shore ice and adjacent snow. Cross country skiing, snow shoeing and use of snow machines will be required to reach many locations for fishing. Below American Falls Reservoir, more and easier access will be present along the river.


Main Stem Snake River, November 21st, 2023

This remains the most conveniently reaches stream in the area, whether above or below American Falls Reservoir. Above the reservoir water flow rates run about normal and midge activity provides the only top water fishing. Below the reservoir flow is minimal (currently about 250 cfs) at best making for easy access, but crowded conditions adjacent to the dam on downstream to the Monument access. Rainbow and particularly brown trout are active, so streamer fishing is the best strategy for action.


Main Stem Snake River, November 13th, 2023

This is currently the most convenient river to fish these days as nearby walk-in wade locations are numerous and relatively low water make fishing from a boat attractive. BWOs and midges emerge at certain locations along the river, and the next few days will offer pleasant daytime hours to enjoy trout responding to them. Switch to streamers during evening hours to encounter migrating brown trout.


Main Stem Snake River, November 7th, 2023

River at Monument

It is brown trout time on the river above American Falls Reservoir, and the current weather is ideal for stalking them with big streamer patterns. Below the reservoir out flow is down to about 260 cfs as USBR is going all out to fill the reservoir. All this means that fish are concentrated in what water there is for miles below the dam. This situation will bring in a lot of anglers, wading and boating, hoping for the fish of the year and using all sorts of tackle. For fly fishers, pitching big streamers and woolly bugger types for trout and bass seems best for success.


Main Stem Snake River, November 4th, 2023

Because of the drop in water flow coming out of Palisades Dam look for main stem flows Above American Falls Reservoir to do the same. Below American Falls out-flow is down to about 250 cfs making for many walk-in wade locations. concentration of fish into deep water . Presenting streamer patterns is he name of the game.

Speaking of streamer patterns, The Fly Fish Food You Tube Web site features an array of streamer patterns second to none. These are tied using a variety of synthetic and natural materials and, combinations of each as well as tying instructions for each. Fly Fish Food’s web site also offers traditional streamer patterns if you prefer using them.
