
Main Stem Snake River

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Main Stem Snake River (Page 8)

Main Stem Snake River 11-12-15

Flows are a bit below normal in most locations. Browns are moving, but fishing success seems to have slowed a bit, in part because of our sub-normal temperatures.  Pitching streamers under low light conditions remains the “name of the game.” With warmer air temperatures action would pick up.


Mainstem Snake River 11-3-15

Flow throughout the river above American Falls Reservoir is a bit below normal, and brown trout are migrating. Candidate locations to try abound, and presenting big streamer patterns under low-light conditions is the best way to encounter these fish. Visit us at the shop, and we can point out some of the likely best locations for doing so. Flow out of American Falls Dam is a bit over 400 cfs meaning fish really will be concentrated around deeper water. Streamer patterns will be the best way to encounter these fish. Expect plenty of company doing the same.


Mainstem Snake River 10-24-15

Flow out of American Falls Dam is about 400 cfs. This low flow will concentrate fish and make streamer fishing exciting. It will also bring crowds of anglers to the river below the dam, so arrive early to enjoy that kind of fishing! Above the dam to the Henry’s Fork confluence flow is about normal and water is being turned off in most canals and therefore remaining in the river. Brown trout are moving, also making for good streamer fishing but with less crowding than below American Falls Dam. If you enjoy top water fishing, BWOs are emerging in some locations. Stop by; we can recommend some worth trying.


Mainstem Snake River 10-7-14

With flow in the river dropping, it is time to get out trying for migrating brown trout. Get those streamers in order, and rig up sink tip lines. There are a number of locations for walk-in wade fishing and float fishing. Come into the shop to get some ideas on where to give either a try.


Main Stem Snake River 3/22/14

BuRec is raising flows out of American Falls Dam. Right now flow at the downstream Neely gage is about 1200 cfs, making river there a bit more than a foot higher. Proposed increases upcoming include up to 1800 cfs on Monday (3/24) and up to 3600 cfs on Wed (3/26). The river above American Falls Reservoir is lower than normal making for good wading access. Presenting streamers during low light conditions is a good way to encounter large trout here.


Main Stem Snake River 11-5-13

With a stormy week coming up a visit to this river should be on your  places to fish. Flow throughout is somewhat lower than normal.  Pitching streamers is the name of the game, and there are plenty of walk-in wade locations to try. We can help pin point the best and recommend patterns that produce and tackle to use, so stop in the shop for more information.


Main Stem Snake River 10-22-13

Flows throughout the river are somewhat below normal for the time of year. And the browns are in a migrating mode.  We have reports of good action through presenting streamers up and down the river.  That applies to both fishing from a boat and wading.  Consider that during these bright, clear days fishing is best from around sundown to twilight or in the AM before sun gets on the river.


Mainstem Snake River 10-8-13

Browns are migrating up and down the river. With flows dropping there are many locations for walk-in wading, but floating gets you to more of the best places.  Either way streamer fishing will be the name of the game.  Be sure to have them in colorful and somber shades, and have a stout rod to present them as we have plenty of windy days coming up.   Come in the shop for a visit to pick up tips on wading locations and for the same for float trips.


Mainstem Snake River 9-17-13

The bad news here is that silt coming out of American Falls Dam is smothering fish big time in the river below.  There looks like no end to this as the reservoir is a 4% of useable capacity and dropping.  So do not expect the great fall fishing experienced last year.  This means concentrate your efforts on the river above the reservoir where streamer fishing is about to kick in as flow there drops.
