
Still Water

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Still Water (Page 26)

Still Water 9-4-12

We have reports of drastically low water on most irrigation reservoirs to out southeast.  Whether or not there will be enough water to sustain fish populations through the winter in these remains a good question.   Springfield Reservoir seems to be the exception where  midge pupa patterns under an indicators are producing some very nice fish.  The same technique seems to produce well around inlets to Mackay Reservoir where water levels are also receding.


Still Waters 9-1-12

Now that days are shortening and cooling, the best thing for improved fishing is happening. That is waters cooling off to temperatures not dangerous for caught and released fish.  A big concern remains on some irrigation reservoirs that experienced deep  drawn down deeply because of irrigation demands during our unusually hot, dry summer.  We will keep an open ear for conditions going into the fall season and the outlook for next year on these reservoirs and report what we hear on them here.


Still Waters 8-28-12

Mackay Reservoir at the upper end and Island Park Reservoir around Trude Bay and Grizzly Springs are the best locations for action with bloodworm and midge pupa patterns.  Add Springfield Reservoir to the mix where dry damselfly patterns presented around weed channels and springs bring dry fly action.  With a big weekend coming up expect company in these places as other still waters with action such as these are few and far between.


Still Water 8-25-12

Mackay Reservoir offers the best still water fishing in the area.  Fish the river and creek channels coming into the upper end.  Midge pupa patterns and damselfly nymph patterns, both under an indicator are good ways to meet action from big rainbows and kokanee.   This is a  high country reservoir where air is cooling down, so barring big draw-down water should remain cool for good fishing barring a big draw-down.


Still Waters 8-21-12

Some of the best still water fishing in the area is in the Trude Bay-Grizzly Springs area of Island Park Reservoir.  Bloodworm patterns under indicators work when the taking depth is found.  Springfield Reservoir is also offering some good fishing. For a change of pace there, try offering dry damselfly patterns. They seem to work well, even when the wind kicks up.


Still Waters 8-18-12

For most of these, let’s wait until cooler weather happens. So many fish get stressed with the high water temps and less dissolved oxygen, they would thank you to wait a bit until they can give you a better account of their abilities.


Still Waters 8-14-12

Mackay Reservoir is the star of the show here.  Draw-down has slowed, so the reservoir remains quite cool. Try the upper end near incoming river channels. Present bead head nymphs and midge pupa under an indicator.


Still Waters 8-11-12

Not much change here. Irrigation requirements have drawn many down to the amount that makes fishing not only tough, but dangerous to their survival.  Mackay Reservoir has been fishing well around the upper end where creeks enter. Sand Creek Ponds, Aldous Lake, Paul Reservoir, and Springfield Reservoir fish well early and late in the day.  Look for gulpers early in the day on these.  Sometimes they return in the evening.


Still Waters 8-7-12

Mackay Reservoir has been one of the better producers lately.  Try fishing the upper end in front of river channels. Gulpers may be active in the morning, so speckled dun life cycle patterns can work.  Otherwise small leech, midge pupa patterns under an indicator, and small bead head nymphs patterns work.


Still Water 8-4-12

If you are a still water enthusiast and not happy that many of our reservoirs are at unpleasant temperatures for trout, maybe it’s time to think about visiting our high mountain lakes. There are only a few, such as upper Palisades Lake in this part of the state.  But to the west, Copper Basin is loaded with lakes. Even closer, there are some lakes at the head of Antelope Creek just above Moore, Idaho.  A few lakes are in the Lost River and lower Lemhi  mountain ranges.   Come in and get information because we have visited some of these.
