For most of our irrigation reservoirs the summer doldrums have arrived with dropping and warming water levels due to irrigation demands. This means fish will remain deep in order to have the coolest water. So fishing early in the day or going to the depths will bring best chances for action. Expect these conditions throughout the irrigation season, then as we cool by late summer and irrigation slows, these water bodies will offer much better fishing. We have heard, however, that Mackay Reservoir is providing some good fishing away from the inflow of discolored water.
If you are a still water enthusiast, the Sand Creek Ponds open today for non internal combustion engine aided float fishing. Expect crowds of floaters for a while at this easily reached and popular area. If you try these ponds, with Pond # 4 being the best, look for damsel fly, speckled dun and midge activity. So bring their life cycle patterns and use floating lines, strike indicators and long leaders to present these. Early AMs an evenings will be the best times for activity.
Still want to learn of some still waters not impacted by the summer doldrums? Take a look at our southwest Montana discussion.
South Fork tribs below Palisades Dam with cutthroat spawning runs open to fishing tomorrow. Some of these still have large cutthroat heading down to the river. Because these currently have cooler water, top water fishing will be slower than presenting such as nymph, small leech, and streamer patterns. The Willow Creek tribs also open to fishing tomorrow. Good locations for family fishing can be around any of the crossings with with wet flies being the best way to encounter trout. Willow Creek has been stocked with rainbow trout around these, but beaver ponds, until their water warms offer better fishing, and the Willow Creek drainage has many of these. More later on best strategies for fishing beaver ponds.
Windy times on Daniels Reservoir means fishing the edge of mud plumes with annelid and other such patterns can be effective. Kelly-Toponce Road is open, so boat launch area on Chesterfield Reservoir is easily approached. Reservoir water quality is good. Slow trolling and casting leech patterns using intermediate lines brings some success, but better fishing is ahead. The road to Twenty-Four Mile Reservoir is open. To date we have no info on fishing success there.
Let’s take a look at some small still waters in the area because many host some surprising trout. For example, both Snow Creek Pond and the Harriman Fish Pond host large holdover rainbow trout. Horseshoe Lake offers grayling, and Pauls Reservoir offers active cutthroat trout. Other than holdover trout, most of the hosted salmonids are small with a few ranging to moderate size. But being easily approached they are ideal for novices, the physically challenged, seniors, or just plain solitude. Closer to home and again ideal for a wide range off abilities the two Rider Park ponds off Sunnyside Road and Gem Lake can be considered. For youngsters, the Rexburg Kids and the Victor Kids ponds are safe and easily approached and annually stocked with catchable trout.
The Kelley-Toponce road will remain closed a bit longer limiting direct access to Chesterfield Reservoir facilities. Fishing is improving at Daniels Reservoir with midge pupa patterns under an indicator and small woolly bugger patterns being effective. Any day now damsel flies will be appearing in increasing numbers.Try slow trolling small black leech patterns using an intermediate line. Crowds are increasing, especially the nonresident component. All this applies to Hawkins Reservoir. We have no information on Twenty-four Mile Reservoir.
As waters warm fish will move to shallows to forage. This is beginning to taking place at such as Chesterfield, Daniels, and Hawkins Reservoirs. It’s a bit early for damselfly activity but midges emerging in shallower waters can bring activity. Just find the taking depth. Scud and snail patterns can also be effective. We have no information on whether Twenty-Four mile Reservoir can be approached,but you can expect plenty of angling company this weekend at any easily approached still water,
No word yet on 24-mile Reservoir fishing. Road going in likely needs to improve. Chesterfield Reservoir is ice-fee with slow fishing. Look for improvement around end of the month after it turns over. Roads are open to Treasureton Reservoir which is high and discolored. Daniels and Hawkins Reservoirs have improving fishing with midge pupa providing action until fish become gorged on such. Give streamers and woolly bugger types a try.
The latest stocking information for IDF&G’s Upper Snake and Southeast Regions follows. We post this here because it applies mostly to still waters. Many of these are great locations for family fishing. Some of these still waters host hold-over trout from previous stocking which can grow to trophy sizes. Some not yet stocked cannot be reached until roads open.
Ashton Reservoir – 38,751 rainbow trout
A scenic 400-acre reservoir on the Henry’s Fork, this waterbody is known for rainbow trout and is also home to the state-record brown trout.
Birch Creek – 4,750 rainbow trout
A productive spring creek in a high-desert basin, this small stream is ideal for kids and less experienced anglers. Rainbow trout are stocked heavily around access areas, and wild brook trout are fairly common.
Blue Creek Reservoir – 2,000 rainbow trout
This reservoir is located approximately 15 miles north of St. Anthony and is part of the Sand Creek Wildlife Management Area. Fish will be stocked when access/road conditions allow. There are additional ponds in close proximity that will also be stocked and provide additional fishing opportunities. These include:
Sand Creek MWA Pond #1 – 3,500 rainbow trout
Sand Creek WMA Pond #4 – 2,700 rainbow trout
Henrys Fork – 10,000 rainbow trout
World-famous for trout fishing! The river is suitable for wade fishing, bank fishing and fishing from a boat.
Mackay Reservoir – 4,200 rainbow trout
In the high desert of the Big Lost River Valley, fishing is popular from a boat and from shore on this 1,100-plus-acre reservoir.
Ririe Reservoir – 18,000 rainbow trout and 3,600 tiger trout
This waterbody provides an exceptional and diverse fishery. Springtime is ideal to troll for kokanee and rainbow trout.
Teton River – 1,000 rainbow trout
This river drains the west slope of the Teton Range and provides excellent fly fishing opportunities for all skill levels. Fish will be stocked in the Rexburg area. Check out this video showing the magic of fly fishing!
Trail Creek Pond – 450 rainbow trout
Also known as Victor Kids Pond, this small, scenic pond is located in the lush Teton Basin. One of the most consistent kids fisheries in the area, it is easily fished from the bank, with trails and picnic tables around the perimeter.
Bannock Reservoir – 1,000 rainbow trout
Located within the Portneuf Wellness Complex near the County Fairgrounds in Pocatello, this community park offers good trout fishing. Multiple docks provide fishing access around the 5-acre pond.
Bear River below Oneida Dam – 3,000 rainbow trout
These fish will be stocked in the very scenic Oneida Narrows reach of the river below the dam. This popular section of the river offers the longest continuous public access along the entire Bear River.
Dike Lake – 1,500 rainbow trout
Located adjacent to the Blackfoot Reservoir Campground, this waterbody gets stocked once a year. This yields high catch rates for a limited time, so catch ‘em before they’re gone!
Dingle Gravel Pond – 1,000 rainbow trout
This pond is located adjacent to the Bear River east of Dingle in Bear Lake County.
Kelly Park Pond – 500 rainbow trout
Located in Soda Springs, accessing this pond requires a short walk, but it offers a great kids fishing opportunity. Lace up the boots, grab the fishing poles and take the kids on a nature walk!
McTucker Pond – 1,500 rainbow trout
Located near Springfield, there are many places for kids to fish from docks or the bank.
Montpelier Rearing Pond – 500 rainbow trout
This little fishing spot is tucked into a scenic high desert canyon in the hills east of Montpelier. It’s a great spot to take kids fishing.
Still water fly fishers are yearning for so many waters to open and offer good fishing. Here is some info we have gathered on status of the most popular of these.
Ice is leaving Chesterfield Reservoir. See picture above (courtesy of Dave Whitworth) taken last Wednesday. At that date, it was about 80% iced over. Road to the boat dock is open, and ice should be gone for the upcoming week.
Twenty-Four Mile Reservoir is likely totally iced over, and the road to it can be damaged by travel. So it is in best interest to wait until ice leaves and the road dries out.
Blackfoot Reservoir remains iced over. Contact Bingham and Caribou county web sites for road conditions.
The Dairy Creek Road leaving just below Hawkins Reservoir and making a short cut to Daniels Reservoir is open, but rough in places. It is being fished ( mostly Utah anglers) but offers spotty fishing to date.
Hawkins Reservoir has been stocked with hatchery catchable rainbows, and fishing action is picking up.
Springfield Reservoir offers spotty fishing with early AMs and evenings being best time for action. Try midge pupa patterns under indicators at these times.
If you are looking to try for trout in still waters your choice right now is in the “Slim Pickings Range.” The only open waters nearby are Hawkins and Springfield Reservoirs. Hawkins is scheduled to receive a plant of about 1600 IDF&G rainbows. Give them a chance to equilibrate, and they will provide some action to supplement that from hold-overs. Springfield has been spotty in providing action with AM and evening hours being the best times.