Tex Creek WMA needs our help with a stream restoration project.
August- 29th & 30th We will meet at the Idaho Falls IDFG office 8am and carpool out to Tex creek WMA .
We are looking for 10-14 willing and able volunteers. Come join the fun and help with this stream restoration project.
This will be a fun habitat improvement project. It will be hard work and rewarding. We will be in and out of the stream repairing and maintaining existing structures as well as installing some new structures.
This work will include maintenance and possible construction of beaver dam analogues and post-assisted log structures that have been built over the past 2 seasons.
This work is geared toward riparian restoration and overall system improvement to reduce sediment and temperature in Tex Creek to improve conditions for Yellowstone cutthroat and many other species. We are at base flow and will have very little water in the system except for beaver ponds which host cutthroat trout.
Bring lunch and be prepared to be out all day. We can furnish gloves, waders, beverages, and tools. Dress for the weather
Let me know if you can help and which day!
Gerren B. Steel
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Idaho Department of Fish & Game
Work: 208-535-8039
Cell: 208-850-7576
[email protected]