
Henry’s Fork

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Henry’s Fork (Page 36)

Henry’s Fork 3-14-17

Winter still reigns on much of the lower river, and the best way to visit is walk-in and wade as opposed to boating. Nymphing with rubber legs and bead head nymph patterns will get you into action. When we have wind-free days fish will be on the surface taking midges, and a #18 griffiths gnat will do a good job of imitating the clusters trout look for.


Henry’s Fork 10-8-16

A piece of important information is that the Fun Farm Bridge is closed.  Signage just off Highway 20 proclaims this closure, and so do the berms placed at either end of the bridge.

Increasingly streamer fishing on the Henry’s Fork will become effective as we move through October. But a current problem with presenting these along much of this river is extensive aquatic vegetation.  Trying to get streamer patterns to run deep in many locations brings contact with beds of waving weeds. Eventually this stuff will break up and drift away to impact dry fly fishing (!) Here are few ideas to help minimize those clogged up flies. Switch to a floating line and unweighted patterns when presenting in shallower water, cover upstream water, and try to keep that rod tip high. Trying shallow water is always a good strategy under low light conditions, such as twilight, because low light becomes increased cover and large pre-spawning trout are more likely to migrate with it. Some areas where weed growth interferes to a lesser degree include The Tubs above Mack’s Inn, below St. Anthony, and the Chester backwaters,


Henry’s Fork 10-1-16

With only 192 cfs coming out of Island Park Dam, it is time to wade Box Canyon rather than float it. Increasingly, presenting streamer patterns there will bring better chances for encountering large trout. Concentrate on presenting these in deeper holes and runs. Cooling and unsettled weather is just what is needed for improved fishing on the lower river. BWOs and mahoganies provide top water action and streamer patterns will be increasingly effective as we move through October. Presenting terrestrial insect patterns almost anywhere on the river will remain effective until a killing frost comes along.


Henry’s Fork 9-24-16

The recent stormy days are just what is needed to pick up fishing action on the lower river. Tiny BWOs and mahogany duns are emerging and attracting fish. With terrestrial insects still around in good numbers, and cooler water temperature, dry fly action will benefit. These will accompany the increasingly effective presentation of streamer patterns.  So stock that fly box with patterns appropriate for all these.


Henry’s Fork 9-13-16

Flow out of Island Park Dam is down to around 400 cfs. With such a low flow, streamer patterns are the best way to encounter the larger fish in Box Canyon. Concentrate your efforts on deeper holes and runs where there is the best overhead cover for the big guys.  Until we have a killing frost, look for the hopper fishing to hold up on other parts of the river. With the current unstable and cooling weather, BWOs and mahogany duns will become the principle mayfly species available to trout along much of the river.


Henry’s Fork 9-10-16

Almost anywhere you try the river (excepting Box Canyon where two-nymph rigs bring action) early AM tricos then mid day hopper activity can be expected to bring most reliable action from resident trout.  We are cooling down, so significant BWO and mahogany dun emergences up and down the river are in the near future. Weather predictions are for some stormy weather this coming week, so these could happen within a few days.


Henry’s Fork 9-6-16

With respect to the lower river, the best thing is happening.  That is the weather cooling down which means sooner or later BWOs and mahogany duns will be emerging. On the river in the Last Chance-Riverside portion it’s still the same: morning trico spinners and terrestrial insect activity by late morning into afternoon hours are the best times to find action.


Henry’s Fork 9-3-16

Not a lot of change since our last report.  From Last Chance to Riverside early AM trico spinner patterns AM bring action.  Then as the day progresses presenting terrestrial patterns, especially those of the honey ant takes over for the same. We need more cool weather for fish activity to pick up on the river below Ashton Dam.


Henry’s Fork 8-23-16

For the Last Chance to Riverside section of river AM trico and mid day terrestrial activity offer the bet chances for action.  It is the time of year when presenting honey ant patterns is particularly effective. At sunset and after, consider drifting that hair mouse pattern through locations known to host very large trout. Two-nymph rigs using small bead head patterns seem to offer best action in Box Canyon. From Cardiac Canyon down to Ashton Reservoir presenting terrestrial insect and caddis life cycle patterns are effective late in the day. Presenting streamer patterns late in the day anywhere in this water could get you into a fish of the year.


Henry’s Fork 8-13-16

From Ashton Dam upstream to the bottom of Box Canyon whether you are wading or float fishing, presenting terrestrial insect patterns is effective especially during afternoon hours. Fishing trico dun & spinner patterns early in the day is another way to action, but a bit tougher on the eyes than presenting hopper patterns.
