
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 104)

Small Streams, September 12th, 2020

Smaller streams without significant spring inflow or lakes in their drainage are at base level which reduces overhead cover and increases the tendency to warm during daytime.  Larger fish in such streams will move to deeper water where available. Larger streams seem to escape these situations and will offer good fishing until freeze-up. Consider Teton and Warm Rivers throughout their reaches, Big Elk, Birch Creek (above Lone Pine), Palisades, lower Robinson, and Sawmill Creeks as best destinations this time of the season. We at the shop can suggest the best area small waters to try this time of the season.  Get in touch with us to help choose a stream to target.


South Fork, September 12th, 2020

It’s been a good end of the summer fishing season so far. Flow out of Palisades Dam was dropped to 6600 cfs ( 7300 cfs at Heise, 3360 cfs at Lorenzo) Thursday, 9/10.  This opens up many more walk-in wade locations to enjoy fish responding to BWO, mahogany dun and caddis activity.  Shorter days with earlier evenings mean streamer patterns should be in that fly box.


Henry’s Lake, September 12th, 2020

Water remains a bit discolored from the big windstorm of September 7th. Some shoreline holds a lot of uprooted weeds.Water temperature near the surface is about 60 deg. F. that temperature keeps the biggest fish in deeper water. Weather will begin cooling enough to drop water temps to levels making big fish comfortable in moving around the lake.  Better fishing days are coming!


South Fork, September 8th, 2020

Our yesterday windstorm results in the need for some caution while boating on the lower river (below Heise). Likely some trees have been downed to become river-born snags thanks to the blustery weather.  Look ahead when you are about to float past areas with bank side cottonwoods.

BWOs and mahogany duns are out and the densest hatches will be during cloudy days. A few active mutant stones remain early in the day, and under low light conditions streamer patterns will become increasingly effective.


Main Stem Snake River, September 5th, 2020

It is likely that American Falls Reservoir will be dropped to around 10% of capacity in order to do spillway repairs. This means water will be held back in the drainage above to be capture in the reservoir when repairs are completed.  Currently flows below the dam are around 8000 cfs, but could become higher if the plans to drain are activated.


Small Streams, September 5th, 2020


Birch Crk Malia

Teton River in the basin and below the canyon can provide some of the best small stream fishing in the area now. Same story: AM trico activity and PM terrestrial insect activity.   Same for Warm River.  Water in the upper Blackfoot River is low enough for temperatures dangerous to released trout.  Palisades Reservoir tribs, Palisades, Birch (family area) and Bitch Creeks are good places to try. Use caddis life cycle, traditional attractor and terrestrial insect patterns.


Yellowstone Park, September 5th, 2020

Beula Lake (002)

Beula Lake

Crowds should begin thinning after this weekend making travel more timely to fish so many waters. For many streams it is trico activity in the AM and caddis life cycle and terrestrial insect patterns in the PM.   Most of the big cutts have moved back into Yellowstone Lake from the river. Hebgen Lake browns and ‘bows are migrating upstream  in the Madison River drainage.  Soon wading the Lewis Lake shoreline will give a chance to encounter migrating brown trout. Beula Lake will remain among the fastest fishing locations in the park through most of this month.  Most meadow streams will feature trico activity in the AM and terrestrial insect in the PM. Stealth will be required as these waters are nearing base level flows.


Henry’s Lake, September 5th, 2020

The lake is fishing fairly well for medium sized cutthroat trout responding to traditional Henry’s Lake patterns  (see Bill Schiess’s book “Fishing Henry’s Lake”). The water is still a bit warm, but with cooling weather the biggest fish will begin to leave the deepest water and move around the lake.


Henry’s Fork, September 5th, 2020

The cooler weather predicted for next week should cool the lower river off enough to bring on the tiny BWOs and hopefully not hurt the terrestrial bugs. Pitching streamers on this part of the river during low light conditions will become increasingly effective as we move through the fall season. Noe might be the time to start building a supply of streamers and woolly bugger types for those resident brown trout.


South Fork, September 5th, 2020

Flow out of Palisades Dam was dropped to 8230 cfs Thursday ( 9160 cfs at Heise, 4160 cfs at Lorenzo).  Looks like we may have some more BWO weather right after Labor Day. Forecasts say cool and cloudy, so “just what the doctor ordered” if you are waiting for the Fall season.  That season won’t start officially until about 9/20, but Ma Nature likes to tease us a bit when it comes to weather.
