
Fishing Reports

Fly Fish Food Jimmy's / Fishing Reports (Page 115)

Big Lost River, May 16th, 2020

Big Lost

Flow out of Mackay Dam remains about constant at just under 250 cfs. This is a good flow for wading the river below, and it looks like some BWO weather will arrive in a few days.  So the river here offers a chance to get away from the crowds getting ready for stone fly activity on the lower Henry’s Fork.


Henry’s Fork, May 16th, 2020

Few fly-fishing world happenings are anticipated as much as are the giant and golden stonefly emergences on regional rivers. With respect to the Henry’s Fork, nymphs of these species are moving toward banks along the lower river thus making patterns imitating these currently very effective (don’t overlook pitching a streamer).  It will be a matter of several days before these bugs will be flying, but look for the first to appear in numbers significant to attract trout attention in the Ashton through Bear Gulch reach of the river. Soon to follow will be the same activity happening from the river below Ashton Dam.  So if you  intend to be at the fly tying bench, tying nymph and dry patterns for giant and golden stoneflies will be time well spent!


Yellowstone Park, May 16th, 2020


fallriver (2)

We will be a 2020 Yellowstone National Park fishing license vendor.  Interruptions caused by dealing with the covid-19 virus has slowed the Park’s preparation and distribution of these licenses, but we expect having them with accompanying regulations soon. On arrival of these items, we will place notice of such here.  The Park fishing season is scheduled to open this year on Saturday, May 23rd. However to date certain areas of the Park are currently closed including to fishing.  If/when these areas open to fishing, we will post such on this web site.

For more information on Yellowstone Park’s upcoming happenings and plans, go to


Today at Jimmy’s, May 16th, 2020

Beginning at 10 AM today we will resume selling non-resident fishing licenses. This is because “Phase Two” of the Governor’s  covid-19 recovery plan allows such actions. Also quarantine restrictions ( 14 days self isolation) for out of state visitors has been lifted through the Governor’s action.

All this is great news for fly-fishers anticipating trout responses to the upcoming sequence of  insect hatches on east Idaho waters.


Small Streams, May 9th, 2020

A judge’s ruling has prevented an open pit gold mine from being constructed in the West Camas Creek drainage. The area drainage is considered to be cutthroat trout habitat, and the impact of open pit mining is of concern to ground water quality within that habitat.

If you are looking for a place to take a youngster fishing or if you just want to enjoy some small stream fishing, Birch Creek within the family fishing area above Lone Pine currently is likely the best candidate for doing so.  The creek may be running a bit high but is likely clear, so presenting nymph or small woolly bugger patterns will bring responses.


Henry’s Fork, May 9th, 2020

Fall River currently is running somewhat high but clear. This means the Henry’s Fork below Chester Dam still hosts good fishing.   The Island Park countryside is quickly becoming free of snow, and the Mesa Falls Highway is totally passable.  Many side roads are not yet free of snow.  The Henry’s Fork at Last Chance features midge and BWO activity, so presenting their life cycle patterns is quite effective.


South Fork, May 9th, 2020

Since May 5th flow out of Palisades Dam has been stepped up from 14000 cfs to 15400 cfs. This 10% increase should not impact fishing especially because the river remains clear but cold.  Palisades Reservoir is about 65% of capacity with a lot more run-off to come.


Still Waters, May 9th, 2020

On looking at current IDF&G still water fish stocking schedules you will see none are given. Actually stocking is being performed, but in order to minimize crowding at well stocked waters because of our nasty covid-19 presence, IDF&G is not publishing such records. Rest assured that stocking is being performed. You can approximate where current stocking is taking place by looking at IDF&G’s historic records.


Still Waters, Cinco de Mayo, 2020

Springfield Reservoir has been spotty: up one day, down the next.  Midge pupa patterns under an indicator are the best bet if a taking depth can be found. Small black or olive leech or damselfly nymph patterns can work.  Hawkins Reservoir is also “off and on” with facilities and the dam face somewhat crowded.  Chesterfield Reservoir has been slow fishing to date.  No word yet on how Twenty-Four Mile Reservoir has been treating anglers. Daniels Reservoir remains the best still water bet in the area ( try midge pupa at the taking depth, dragonfly and damselfly nymph patterns), but look out for the WIND.
